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Posted: 4/23/2007 2:35:30 AM EDT
Here are some interesting bills I noted while researching the "Castle Doctrine" in North Carolina:

"Apparent Firearm" bill.

Castle Doctrine

Change to CCW law.

Confiscation (Katrina) Bill.
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 4:38:08 AM EDT
Don't forget the biggies

H831 and S1094 Personal Protection in Restaurants
H830 Concealed Handgun Permit Valid in Parks
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 6:24:14 AM EDT
And the shooting range protection act (which would go even further than the 1997 law)

And the changes to the wildlife laws which would expand the use of handguns in hunting

The stolen guns bill (VERY BAD)

The pistol permit denial bill (BAD BILL)

Link Posted: 4/23/2007 6:24:51 AM EDT

Don't forget the biggies

H831 and S1094 Personal Protection in Restaurants
H830 Concealed Handgun Permit Valid in Parks

The best and biggest bill is the firearms in emergencies bill.

We need that one to pass above all the others.
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