Not the best, but I sat down for a few minutes tonight and typed a letter to Gov. Ehrlich and explained why I won't be returning to my home state. Here's a copy....
Governor Ehrilch,
I would like to take the time to congratulate you on your victory in the Gubernatorial race. I realize it's a bit late for congratulations, but Uncle Sam and the U.S. Army have kept me busy for quite some time. I proudly voted for you in the last election by absentee ballot. Now that my career in the Army is over I found myself faced with a tough decision, one I do not regard lightly. Do I return to my home state of Maryland or do I stay in the Commonwealth of Virginia? Having grown up in rural southern Maryland and with over 200 years of family history in Calvert County it was a tough decision to make. In the end it came down to personal freedoms. As is obvious by my choice to serve my country I value them above nearly everything else save my family. It is my firm belief that the Bill of Rights is our Founding Fathers’ conferment of our GOD given rights. Such rights are inalienable; so much as they should not be restricted by the laws of man. It is our solemn right and duty to protect ourselves, and our loved ones in the event that were are attacked or threatened with bodily harm. Due to the current laws in Maryland regarding the Second Amendment to the constitution, which unconstitutionally and unwarrantedly violates my right to defend both myself and my family, I have come to the conclusion that my family and I will not be returning to Maryland.