Here's the whole story:
Asshat has deer stand 20 yards off of property line with his stand facing over the property line. He only has 7.2 acres to hunt, it's completely surrounded by our 150 acres except for the road frontage. The deerstand, it's a big built up job, like 4 people can sit it in, and the sides are covered with plywood and there are slots to shoot out of it. You can't see if anyone is in it or how many people are in it. Now, Asshat is not the property owner, he's the ex brother in law of the property owner. Keep this in mind. So, I walk down the property line, on my side, as I usually do to make sure there is not any funny business going on anywhere (aka meth labs). I really did not even think about it being fall firearms turkey season. I would have never walked the line during firearms deer season, even though his shooting lane is only 20 yards and then he's shooting over our property.
The guy is up there hunting and starts screaming out of the stand "Boy, you are tresspassing, I'm gonna have you arrested". I reply "Arrested? By who?" He comes back, "I have a Conservation Agent sitting up here with me, I'm gonna have him come down and arrest you". Well I tell him to have the Agent to come on down that I would love to meet him (at this point Cav aint thinking). Of course there is no Agent up there, and he keeps talking about the property line and how I am over it. So I tell him, show me the property line and if I am wrong, I will apologize and he will never see me again. Well he tells me that he does'nt have to show me where the line is at. I tell him that he clearly does'nt know where the line is at, otherwise he would show me where the line is. He comes back "Now listen here Boy!" I cut him off with "You don't know shit, go fuck yourself." (Cav's brain process has ceased to function).
I turn my back on him and the line and walk about 100 yards back from the line and then up to my truck which is parked on our lane. At this point there is no question about where we are at, that being on my family's property. As I step out of the woods, he standing there and exclaims "Stay right there boy, I'm making a citizen's arrest!" At this point it's starting to get a little tense. "Excuse me?" He's all pissed off. "I'm making a citzen's arrest for trespassing." I laugh, "Your arresting me on my own property?" At this point I am SO on my property, the line is about 50 yards away. "That's right boy, I'm arresting you and I'm calling the Conservation Agent and having your ass hauled to jail". He proceeds to load both tubes on his shotgun. At this point the shit is not funny, and I realize that my shotgun is back at the cabin. So I ask him about how he knows the Cons. Agent. "Well I work for Conservation" is his reply. I ask his what he does. "Well, I work in Maintenance three days a week". At this point I realize this guy is a loon, probably delusional, and probably actually thinks one of two things: He can either shoot me and get away with it, or that he can pull this and scare me real bad and establish dominance. I really don't have a choice on the first one, and I will be damned if I was going to let the second one happen. I tll him I am getting in my truck, I am leaving and that I look forward to meeting the MDC Agent and talking to him. Shaking, I get in the truck, start it up and drive off.
I sat there that afternoon thinking about what happened. I ended up calling the Sheriff's Dep. and filing a report. The Deputy was understanding, told me my options, and I chose to file a report but not press charges. The not filing urges was at the request of my family members, I know some of you won't understand that, but that's what was decided upon.
It's funny I would tell you this story. I was at the cabin this weekend hunting and I was getting ready about 5:15 a.m. and I see headlights coming down the lane. The guy slows down, sees my truck, then pulls into the driveway to back out. I walked outside in my p.j.'s with the .45 at my side screaming get out. I asked him what was doing there. His reply, "Well I did'nt think anyone was out there, just came out to see what was going on." He's in full camo.
I don't care what regs say, I bowhunt, whether it be on public or private property, I carry a handgun.