I agree with the first thing he said. "Toughen the laws about possessing a firearm you're not entitled to." This means, FELONS, or anyone else who cannot already own a firearm. Hope they don't skew it.
They need to focus on laws that prosecute the criminal, not laws that turn people into criminals.
Unfortunately, the "straw gun purchase" will F some private seller over who might be out of a job and trying to put food on the table by selling a shotgun he hasn't used for hunting in a while.
But honestly, if someone is knowingly buying guns for felons, they've probably been in trouble before and escaped the system some other way. (plea bargains etc.)
Some things I disliked;
They didn't state that open carry is legal, but seemed to suggest carrying a gun is illegal now.
Didn't state that it is a constitutional right.
List the number of other states that have CCW.
Said, not needing a CCW permit is a problem because "bad guys" are packing heat now, and getting away with misdemeanors. Sounds like a problem somewhere else, nothing to do with CCW.