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Posted: 11/23/2014 9:33:32 PM EDT
Fox Wilderness Training

Forest Manna

Big Oaks Wilderness School

Anyone have experiences with any of these outfits?  Are there any others in the area?
Link Posted: 11/24/2014 10:19:54 PM EDT

Are there any others in the area?
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I hear the Boy Scouts have a pretty good program that covers a lot of scenarios.................  
Link Posted: 11/24/2014 10:33:02 PM EDT
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I hear the Boy Scouts have a pretty good program that covers a lot of scenarios.................  
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Are there any others in the area?

I hear the Boy Scouts have a pretty good program that covers a lot of scenarios.................  

Damn it Bob, you beat me to it.

Seriously though. The Boy Scout handbook has some good info in it. I'd also pick up a surplus survival FM. Practice the stuff on your own at home or one of the various camping areas in the area. Most of the stuff is not rocket surgery. Just remember that raisinets and milk duds don't grow wild.
Link Posted: 11/24/2014 10:50:45 PM EDT
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Damn it Bob, you beat me to it.

Seriously though. The Boy Scout handbook has some good info in it. I'd also pick up a surplus survival FM. Practice the stuff on your own at home or one of the various camping areas in the area. Most of the stuff is not rocket surgery. Just remember that raisinets and milk duds don't grow wild.
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Are there any others in the area?

I hear the Boy Scouts have a pretty good program that covers a lot of scenarios.................  

Damn it Bob, you beat me to it.

Seriously though. The Boy Scout handbook has some good info in it. I'd also pick up a surplus survival FM. Practice the stuff on your own at home or one of the various camping areas in the area. Most of the stuff is not rocket surgery. Just remember that raisinets and milk duds don't grow wild.

Took a second for my brain to figure out what you meant.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 7:40:02 AM EDT
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Damn it Bob, you beat me to it.
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Sounds like my GF's.....................    
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 7:39:20 PM EDT
Thank you for the feedback.

I achieved the Webelos rank as a kid.  I don't see any boy scout courses for adults, though.  Any other suggestions?

I like offerings from Randall's Adventure but the drive means I can't justify them without a carpool buddy.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 10:32:41 PM EDT
there's a dude named tres mon around knoxville,  i forget what the name of his company is
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 10:34:35 PM EDT
Are you just wanting to learn basic stuff like water shelter food?
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 11:01:45 PM EDT
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I don't see any boy scout courses for adults, though.  Any other suggestions?
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Hello? Scoutmaster.

Or join a camping/hiking group. Shit, there's a million options to learn how to live in the wild. The fact you can't seem to find any makes me wonder how well you'd actually survive in the wild...................    

Might want to just get a pop-up camper & call it a day.  
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 8:33:40 AM EDT
I didn't give any background.  I don't mean the basics like food, water, shelter.  Most ppl would consider me to be an advanced, experienced backpacker.  I wouldn't - but my fieldcraft surpasses that of almost everyone ive ever hiked with including groups of scouts.  I've spent ~30 nights in the woods this past year alone.  I've slept out of my survival kit 3 of those nights (nonconsecutively).

I agree 100% about "going out and trying it" but I can't try everything.  You can only practice so much bushcraft when you are limited to dead fallen wood.  You can only practice certain aspects of land navigation when you cannot go off trail or you must leave the park by dark.  I know there are lots of other ppl out there looking for the things I am but I haven't met anyone locally at any of the hiking meetups I'm part of.  Most of them fall into one of 3 categories: old, looking for dates, or hiking for fitness.  No one seeking adventure enough to make sacrifices.

I'm not interested in volunteering for the scouts.  I'm currently enrolled in the TN naturalist program given by the south cumberland recreation area to better understand local flora and fauna.  What I'm trying to find is a program that's less than 1.5 hours away where I can learn tracking, nighttime/advanced land navigation, advanced bushcraft, wilderness medicine that will build on my background as a former EMT, and catching and preparing game in the field with primitive tools.

The ultimate goal is to be able to plan backpacking trips outside of the country in remote areas.  At present I'm not confident enough in my abilities to do that.

Posted from mobile so please excuse poor editing.
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 8:44:13 PM EDT
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What I'm trying to find is a program that's less than 1.5 hours away where I can learn tracking, nighttime/advanced land navigation, advanced bushcraft, wilderness medicine that will build on my background as a former EMT, and catching and preparing game in the field with primitive tools.
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Sounds like a Mountain Man sort of training you're looking for. I would still think there's some info to be found via google on this sort of thing. I would doubt you're gonna find an all-encompassing school for all of these things you're wanting, you might have to hit 2-3 of them in order to cover all of your desired bases, IMO.

Best of luck to you in your search.

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