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Posted: 10/23/2006 8:26:36 PM EDT
Hi New Englanders!  I will be making the move from Washington to Massachusetts here in a few weeks.  I have read that MA still has some tough gun laws.  I am a bit confused in fact and would love some help.  I have two AR’s I would like to bring.  One is post-94, but Clinton era legal (fixed stock, no FH).  The other is a recent AR fully equipped with collapsible stock, flash suppressor, etc.  Can either of those be transported to MA with a temporary license?  Also, are either of those legal with a Class A LTC?  Thanks for the feedback.
Link Posted: 10/23/2006 8:47:59 PM EDT
The Clintonian model is legal in MA.

The new one mfd after the Fed Ban sunset (in what we called "pre-ban config") is NOT legal to possess in MA.

LOTS more important info on MA gun laws can be found in the Gun Laws forum (use Advanced Search and set User CP to show ALL THREADS) at northeastshooters.com

You have my sympathy on moving here!
Link Posted: 10/24/2006 6:39:34 AM EDT
What LenS says is correct.

Of course, what you can do is buy some new handguns by Colt or Kimber, or Glock, Les Baer, etc., and then sell them for a big profit when you move here. (do not sell more than 4 a year, by law.) Many new handguns are not legal for a MA FFL to sell within MA, so you can get high prices. Call any MA gun shop to find out more about this.
Link Posted: 10/24/2006 9:22:55 AM EDT
One note, every town (usually the Chief of Police) grants FIDs (long guns) and LTCs (handguns) based on their own policies. Some towns are a cast iron bitch to get an LTC, some are very reasonable. The two could be right next to each other as well. If you haven't already decided on which town you'll be living in, that might be a factor in deciding.
Link Posted: 10/25/2006 11:15:10 PM EDT
Thanks for the info!  The thought of having to give up my ultra-light carbine darn near makes me think of moving to NH instead of MA.  My new office is in Andover, MA.  Does any one know how difficult it is to get a LTC in Andover or the surrounding towns?  
Link Posted: 10/26/2006 2:52:31 AM EDT
If you have a choice,move to NH.The moonbats here are about to elect a Socialist governor and it will only get worse here.

Put it this way..Given the choice,would you move to a state that is governed by a former Clinton/PepsiCo ACLU attorney ?
Link Posted: 10/26/2006 9:58:21 AM EDT
Heed are warnings.  MA and guns don't mix, and if Patrick wins it’s only going to get worse.  Commute from NH if it’s possible.

I believe it is only 4 guns for personal transfers, I don't think there is a limit if it’s sold through an FFL.  But defiantly get some of the restricted pistols before you come.
Link Posted: 10/26/2006 5:59:02 PM EDT

Thanks for the info!  The thought of having to give up my ultra-light carbine darn near makes me think of moving to NH instead of MA.  My new office is in Andover, MA.  Does any one know how difficult it is to get a LTC in Andover or the surrounding towns?  

Andover is less than 20 minutes from the NH border.   If you really enjoy guns as a hobby, I'd advise NH.   I lived in Mass for years and for the most part the state makes you feel like a criminal just for wanting to own a gun.   NH by contrast has no AWB in place, and CCW permits are $10, taking only a day or two to come in the mail after you fill out 2 pages at the local police station.

I work in Andover and another town nearby, but find living in Southern NH no big deal commute wise.

Link Posted: 10/27/2006 9:34:48 AM EDT
Thanks for all the info.  Unfortunately, it looks like my wife will need to commute to Boston.  Thus, we will probably have to live in MA.  I guess the only option then is to make the best of MA's laws.  

You guys mention restricted pistols too?  I looked around a bit, but I don't see any specifics there.  Does any one happen to have a link to more info on this?  I own two Glocks and a Kahr so this pistol restriction scares the heck out of me.  

Oh, I assume that if a magazine is unmarked and has no date of manufacture, then it can reasonably be assumed to be pre-ban and legal, right?  For example, I have a number of Glock 19 mags that are brand new, unmarked, and supposedly pre-ban.  Still, since they are obviously new, I don't want any trouble over them.  What do you think?

Thanks for all the help!  We will be New Englanders in a mere 3 more weeks!
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 9:47:22 AM EDT

Thanks for all the info.  Unfortunately, it looks like my wife will need to commute to Boston.  Thus, we will probably have to live in MA.  I guess the only option then is to make the best of MA's laws.

A lot of people commute from NH to Boston, by car and/or train.

You guys mention restricted pistols too?  I looked around a bit, but I don't see any specifics there.  Does any one happen to have a link to more info on this?  I own two Glocks and a Kahr so this pistol restriction scares the heck out of me.  

www.goal.org has all the info you'll want (and more probably!) in one place. The FAQ page would be a good start. Good to join if you live in MA also.

Link Posted: 10/27/2006 10:15:25 AM EDT

Oh, I assume that if a magazine is unmarked and has no date of manufacture, then it can reasonably be assumed to be pre-ban and legal, right?  For example, I have a number of Glock 19 mags that are brand new, unmarked, and supposedly pre-ban.  Still, since they are obviously new, I don't want any trouble over them.  What do you think?

The good/bad thing about Glock mags is that you can tell if they are in fact pre-ban / post-ban by certain defining features even if there is no date / LEO markings. So if they are unmarked post-ban magazines then don't bring them into the state. I have heard first hand of at least one police agency that educates their officers on the differences. ...and many people that are into glocks know this as well so it's not a good idea in my opinion.
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 11:31:06 AM EDT

Oh, I assume that if a magazine is unmarked and has no date of manufacture, then it can reasonably be assumed to be pre-ban and legal, right?  For example, I have a number of Glock 19 mags that are brand new, unmarked, and supposedly pre-ban.  Still, since they are obviously new, I don't want any trouble over them.  What do you think?

Thanks for all the help!  We will be New Englanders in a mere 3 more weeks!

On the pistol laws.  

1.  New Glock mags are easily identifibale by the new style follower.  Sig magazines changed as well over the 10 years of the ban where the round count holes are.

Only Beretta M-92 mags still could sneak by as prebans despite being new, and only if you buy the classic 15 round ones, not the new sand resistant ones or 90Two 17 rounders.   Even then, the floorplate style has changed a bit since 1994, so  the only way you could have new floorplates is if you have some proof you mail ordered some replacements for your old ones at some point.

Also- I believe if you move to a town where the Chief of Police only issues Class B Permits to Carry,   you simply cannot possess a gun capable of using high cap mags, even if you don't have any highcaps for it.   Class A permits are required for high capacity pistols, but more liberal police chiefs will only issue Class B permits.

Either way, you first have to complete a Mass approved saftey course, and pay $100 fee to apply for a permit.  If it's granted, it's $100 every four years, and they'll fingerprint and "grasping hand" print you like a criminal.

If you buy a home along Rt. 93 just over the border of NH,  it's a straight shot down a major highway to Boston.  Try the drive with your wife while you're here home hunting.

Link Posted: 10/27/2006 8:57:32 PM EDT
Some corrections and info are in order:

- MA LTC is required for MERE POSSESSION. It is also 100% discretionary on the part of your local chief.

- IIRC, Andover requires a letter from an MD attesting to your mental capacity to own/carry firearms before the chief will issue a LTC.

- NO handguns are banned in MA. The law restricts what a dealer can sell to basically a handful of mfrs and a short list of models. Private sales to another LTC holder in MA are allowed for any handgun, but limited to 4 per year.

- Mags are NOT assumed to be legal just because they don't have a date-stamp on them. MA is NOT the same as Fed law/BATFE Regs were during the Fed ban.

- LTC-A is required to possess any high-cap handgun that is on a special hi-cap list published by EOPS OR if you own any handgun along with hi-cap mags that fit it. For instance a 1911 is NOT hi-cap, but if you bought one of those ridiculous 22 rd mags for it, it would require a LTC-A for that combo.

- You can NOT carry any loaded gun with a LTC-B or FID. LTC-A is required to "carry" a loaded gun, but the chief can restrict your LTC so that you can't carry at all (this is frequently done).

- You will have to complete a MA Certified course, pay $100 (for 6 years now) and wait a month to 6 months to get your LTC (time delay really depends on how long the town PD jerks you around).

- If you live in NH, you can apply for a NR LTC. You will need the MA Certified course and pay $100 PER YEAR. MA State Police/CHSB usually issues only LTC-A/All Lawful Purposes and it would probably take 4-6 weeks to get after filing the forms and training certificate.

My recommendation is move to NH and commute!
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 2:56:19 AM EDT


You guys mention restricted pistols too?  I looked around a bit, but I don't see any specifics there.  
Thanks for all the help!  We will be New Englanders in a mere 3 more weeks!

you poor poor bastard.

[amityville]GET OUT!!![/amityville]

seriously, commute.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 4:04:10 AM EDT

Repeat after me

Granite state

Just like all of the other Massholes said.

Patrick in as Gov-makes Dukakis look like Attilla the Hun

The people in this state are un believable...............
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 10:35:52 AM EDT

If you have a choice,move to NH.The moonbats here are about to elect a Socialist governor and it will only get worse here.

Put it this way..Given the choice,would you move to a state that is governed by a former Clinton/PepsiCo ACLU attorney ?


If you can swing NH please do so!
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:41:14 PM EDT
Don't move here. Seriously.

Move to NH and let your wife commute and start looking for somethign more local to where you end up.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:28:10 PM EDT

If you buy a home along Rt. 93 just over the border of NH,  it's a straight shot down a major highway to Boston.  Try the drive with your wife while you're here home hunting.

This is good advice. make the drive in the morning so you can get an idea of the traffic and actual driving time. The drive isn't that bad compared to having to be a resident of MA (sorry MA guys, I used to live there too)
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 1:04:34 AM EDT


If you buy a home along Rt. 93 just over the border of NH,  it's a straight shot down a major highway to Boston.  Try the drive with your wife while you're here home hunting.

This is good advice. make the drive in the morning so you can get an idea of the traffic and actual driving time. The drive isn't that bad compared to having to be a resident of MA (sorry MA guys, I used to live there too)

sorry? did you read our posts?
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 2:13:22 AM EDT
Under **NO** circumstances should anyone who enjoys outdoor sports and shooting willingly move to Massachusetts.

I grew up in Florida and went to school here. I foolishly established residence. Unfortunately, I work near the southern border of the state, so NH would be a hellish commute and CT is almost as bad as MA with gun laws.

Link Posted: 10/30/2006 9:08:02 AM EDT
Thanks for the info! I especially appreciate the info about mags!  I will have to do some research on how to identify pre-ban Glock mags before I assume the unmarked are ok.  On that topic, can any one confirm if mags with a stamped manufacture date of 2003, but that are also stamped as LE only are ok or not?

Also, I am a little confused about the legality of my ARs.  While speaking with the Mass Firearms Record Bureau about licensing, I asked about my post-ban AR.  The guy said, “any firearm legally purchased in your home state is legal to bring to Mass because it is your personal property.  However, you cannot transfer or sell that firearms if it does not meet our state AWB criteria.” I asked for clarification and specifically said that I a new Bushmaster AR15 that would definitely fall in the “Assault Weapon” category according to their state law.  The officer asked me to clarify that I had legally purchased it in my home state.  When I confirmed that my gun is perfectly legal here, he reiterated that it IS legal for me to bring it.  I am a little surprised and hopeful.  Can I trust this officer’s information or do you guy think he might be misinformed?

Thanks for all the help!
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 1:43:22 PM EDT

On that topic, can any one confirm if mags with a stamped manufacture date of 2003, but that are also stamped as LE only are ok or not?

As the 2003 date is after the 1994 ban, they would be illegal in Mass.

If the mag has no LEO warning, and the follower number in the Glock mag is 4,5, or 6, this is a post 1994 magazine.

If the mag has no LEO warning, and the follower number in the Glock mag is 9mm 3,  or less, it is a preban magazine.

I am surprised on the answer you got about post ban AR's in Mass.  I will wait for LenS or someone more knowledgeable than I am to answer that question.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 3:58:18 PM EDT
I usually tell people to NOT move to NH because the way we're growing, pretty soon we'll be a stinking urban area just like down country. However, since NH is going  to grow anyway, any gun owners interested should probably move here and make your pro-gun vote count. We've gotten a huge influx of city-slickers in the last 10 years so we need to offset the liberal mind set.   So come on up!
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:29:08 PM EDT

Guns that violate the MA AWB are ILLEGAL TO POSSESS in MA, even if you are attending a match! ONLY FOPA (driving thru the state without stopping for more than food/gas/bathroom) would allow a non-LEO to possess a AWB in MA.

I have forwarded the text of what you were told/posted to Chief Ron Glidden (chairman of the Gun Control Advisory Board) so that he can hopefully "educate" the folks that give out this bad advice.

FRB & CHSB do NOT have any "officers" on staff. They are CPAs (Cosmo), clerks, computer folks, etc. and there is one attorney (Caroline). What they told you will not protect you if you are ever questioned about your guns.

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 6:42:32 AM EDT
Hi Lens,

Thanks for the loud and clear warning.  I really should have got the names of the people I spoke with.  All I can relay is that I called, “Firearms Record Bureau” at  1-617-660-4780, spoke to a female clerk who was not sure about the legality, so she forwarded me to an older male gentleman that seemed to be pretty confident in his advice.  As a matter of fact, I asked about leaving my firearms behind in WA and then latter having them shipped out via FFL once my wife and I purchase a permanent home (we will be living in an corp apartment or hotel for up to 60 days).  Obviously, there is no way as a responsible gun owner that I can leave firearms in a hotel room.  The gentleman at the MA FRB said that I would be unable to later ship the firearms to myself because several of them would not be legal to purchase new in MA.  He explained that a FFL would therefore not be able to make that transfer.  That is when he explained that on the other hand I could bring any firearms legally purchased in my state with me because they are personal property.  

Don’t worry though, with a father who was a former PD, I know better than to trust advice given over the phone.  I need to see written law before I am bringing anything with me.  So, the recap is:

• Bushmaster Carbine purchased after AWB Sunset is not legal in MA, period
• Post 94 AR-15 legal by previous Federal AWB definitions is ok today in Mass
• Glock 19 (15 round cap) itself is legal to bring with me as long as I file for a Class A immediately
• Glock 26 and Kahr PM9 both are legal with Class B because they are 10 rounds or under

Could you confirm that I have those definitions correct? Thanks again for helping to keep me legal!
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 6:51:15 AM EDT

• Glock 26 and Kahr PM9 both are legal with Class B because they are 10 rounds or under

The Glock 26 might be in a gray area because it will accept a high cap mag. Just to be safe, get a Class A.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:48:32 PM EDT
Here's the source of High-Cap handguns/rifles list (these handguns require LTC-A/rifles LTC-B or -A). The approved handguns list is also here (in your case if not on this list, you will NOT be able to ship into MA later and MUST bring them with you).


Any hi-cap mags must be pre-ban or left behind in WA.

I received a reply from Chief Glidden today . . . he has advised the FRB of the error in their "interpretation" of MGLs. Hopefully they will cease and desist from giving "felonious" info to future callers!
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:49:49 PM EDT
Your list is proper as stated.

You could convert your AWB or sell it in WA, buying a pre-ban out there (cheaper than here) and bring that with you.
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