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Posted: 3/23/2017 3:25:45 AM EDT
Video here. Couldn't find a youtube link

I've voted against the creation of the light rail, and I voted against expanding it a few times.... When will this thing stop.

Gotta love the reporters loaded language "symbol of growth and development".... lol a 70's style city tram that costs tax payers billions is so pro-development.

This thing needs to be dismantled and sold for scrap so we can get at least some of our investment back.
Link Posted: 3/23/2017 9:09:57 AM EDT
That doesn't surprise me, most cities realize there is a issue with crime when it comes to mass transportation and develop specialized department to deal with it like the BART police in the Bay Area.
Link Posted: 3/23/2017 12:56:19 PM EDT
Public transportation stops are always crime hubs.  Dont matter if it is bus or rail, you put a stop in, crime will go up in that immediate area.

I do ride it daily though, and it works for me for now.  Never feel uneasy or unsafe on it.  The worst things that happen are usually inebriated indigenous people try and start something or some one is drunk or high.
Link Posted: 3/23/2017 4:48:22 PM EDT
If they ever put mass transit in PV, then it is time to leave.
Link Posted: 3/23/2017 7:14:02 PM EDT

Video here. Couldn't find a youtube link

I've voted against the creation of the light rail, and I voted against expanding it a few times.... When will this thing stop.

Gotta love the reporters loaded language "symbol of growth and development".... lol a 70's style city tram that costs tax payers billions is so pro-development.

This thing needs to be dismantled and sold for scrap so we can get at least some of our investment back.
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With the T2050 tax that passed last year there are at least 5 spurs off the light rail planned.  The one that goes down central from Jackson to Baseline is already being designed and money set aside to build it.
Link Posted: 3/23/2017 8:03:27 PM EDT
I ride it to the baseball games sometimes. Interesting folk on it for sure. Plenty of bag ladies, bums, thugs, people stoned out of their mind and drunks.

Never had a problem except for some of the summertime smells on it.
Link Posted: 3/23/2017 10:48:10 PM EDT
The only place I didn't have to pay to see a bearded lady. True Story.
Link Posted: 3/24/2017 12:00:34 AM EDT
My parents have been taking the light rail to Suns games for the last couple of years. My dad said the other day that it's gotten too bad and he'll be driving from here on out.
Link Posted: 3/25/2017 2:19:52 AM EDT
the problem with public transportation is that the public uses it...

they built it through the worst parts of town so makes sense.
Link Posted: 3/25/2017 11:47:09 AM EDT
I have absolutely nothing but contempt for that fucking light rail. Such a massive failure on so many levels
Link Posted: 3/25/2017 4:36:59 PM EDT
Gigantic failure and it fucked up traffic .
Link Posted: 3/25/2017 4:47:32 PM EDT
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Gigantic failure and it fucked up traffic .
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And it will only get worse with all the expansion they have planned for it.
Link Posted: 3/26/2017 1:18:44 AM EDT
You forgot to add crooked politicians and their kickbacks.

Why do you think Phoenix is so deep in debt?

Guess it was either that, or another tax payer funded stadium.
Link Posted: 3/27/2017 1:34:29 PM EDT
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That doesn't surprise me, most cities realize there is a issue with crime when it comes to mass transportation and develop specialized department to deal with it like the BART police in the Bay Area.
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Yes, and BART police does such a great job of policing the line that BART is a shining example of what public transportation should be.
Link Posted: 3/30/2017 12:40:14 AM EDT
I call it the bus on rails.

Sounds like they need more light rails samurais
Link Posted: 3/30/2017 2:53:36 AM EDT
Hey, let's take a big city that's not like most other big cities and make it like...most other big cities.
Link Posted: 3/30/2017 3:01:37 PM EDT
What bugs me the most is that 50% of the ridership on the LR, don't pay a penny and the ones that do, get their ride subsidized by me and everybody else that doesn't ride it.  If its so good, make it pay for itself.   When it would cost you $25 each way to go to a ball game you would probably quit going ! 
Link Posted: 3/30/2017 8:43:23 PM EDT
My daughter was assaulted today at a light rail station.  Not hurt thak  God.  She says 90 percent of the riders as FSA (free shit army).
Link Posted: 3/31/2017 10:48:12 AM EDT
You are all missing the end-game here.

Once the light rail expands and has a presence (if not a good presence) in all the suburbs then you will see tactics to ratchet up the cost of driving into Phoenix.  Things such as even-odd license plate days (where only plates ending in odds or evens can be driven), higher taxes on cars, etc.  Once it costs you twice as much to drive as to take the train then many more people will start taking the train.
Link Posted: 3/31/2017 11:41:38 AM EDT
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You are all missing the end-game here.

Once the light rail expands and has a presence (if not a good presence) in all the suburbs then you will see tactics to ratchet up the cost of driving into Phoenix.  Things such as even-odd license plate days (where only plates ending in odds or evens can be driven), higher taxes on cars, etc.  Once it costs you twice as much to drive as to take the train then many more people will start taking the train.
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That sounds like a fucking nightmare. I love sitting in my car in the morning listening to slow music when I'm tired and sipping coffee. I fucking hate the light rail.
Link Posted: 3/31/2017 6:55:41 PM EDT
I know most of you get this but some don't. Just like when I ask libs why they moved away from the city and they say "it" got bad.

I ask what "it" is. The trees?  The sidewalks?  The air?  

Nooooooope. The people. Of course they go into lib mode and call me racist. I wish I could make it so they had to stay in the city and couldn't run away.

Same here. A light rail would be a great thing if costs were kept under control. We should want to make the place we live better.

That won't happen with scumbags living here. But they are only a symptom of the main problem. As usual. Politicians that buy their votes via giving them stuff.

We need to stop voting these scumbags in office. Hell I'd run but I don't have the money and the news would call me every name in the book. At this point I don't care. I'm sick of seeing every place I try to live ruined by idiot libs.
Link Posted: 3/31/2017 10:57:40 PM EDT
Funny the taxpayers pay to build it and my daughter tells me that the Free Shit Army people that ride it skip out on the fares all the time.
Link Posted: 4/1/2017 1:17:47 PM EDT
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I call it the bus on rails.

Sounds like they need more light rails samurais
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So disappointed he didn't shout "there can be only one!"

I still can't figure out why so many people can't shoot a halfway decent vid with their camera phone. I can do it and I'm a technoretard
Link Posted: 4/1/2017 5:30:36 PM EDT
I live in Tucson so forgive my ignorance.  How do the fares work on the light rail and why is it people can ride it without paying?
Link Posted: 4/2/2017 8:20:50 PM EDT
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I live in Tucson so forgive my ignorance.  How do the fares work on the light rail and why is it people can ride it without paying?
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Because the doors open when it stops and you just walk in.
Link Posted: 4/2/2017 9:10:20 PM EDT
Every city that has put in light rail has seen property crime skyrocket in a 1/4 to 1/2 mile about the tracks.

Ridership is anonymous, so it's a perfect method of egress after a break-in.
Link Posted: 4/3/2017 12:31:48 AM EDT
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Every city that has put in light rail has seen property crime skyrocket in a 1/4 to 1/2 mile about the tracks.

Ridership is anonymous, so it's a perfect method of egress after a break-in.
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They're extending it to Metrocenter. As most likely know, Metrocenter was crimesville/a shithole 15 years ago. Now the thieves are going to have to take a number for first chance to steal your car!

Link Posted: 4/3/2017 7:30:42 PM EDT
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They're extending it to Metrocenter. As most likely know, Metrocenter was crimesville/a shithole 15 years ago. Now the thieves are going to have to take a number for first chance to steal your car!

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In the next two years they are extending it south along central from Jefferson to Baseline.
Link Posted: 4/3/2017 8:12:47 PM EDT
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In the next two years they are extending it south along central from Jefferson to Baseline.
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Plain stupid, only thing in the area is mercados, carnecerias, panderias, and -berto establishments.
Link Posted: 4/4/2017 2:08:07 AM EDT
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They're extending it to Metrocenter. As most likely know, Metrocenter was crimesville/a shithole 15 years ago. Now the thieves are going to have to take a number for first chance to steal your car!

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Oh jesus fuck I live near there. I guess a move is in my future. This area was just starting to settle down.
Link Posted: 4/5/2017 12:41:26 PM EDT
Never rode the train, never will.  I used to work at Durango and 31st Ave and lived near 43rd Ave and Union Hills.  I had a choice of the busses on 35th Ave or 43rd Ave.  Over the years, I used the bus system a number of times, as my employer would pay the fare.  Over the years, the "transition zone", where the "respectable looking/behaving" passengers transitioned to "non-respectable looking/behaving", moved farther and farther north.  When I last rode, that zone was around Peoria road.  Being prohibited from self defense on public transit means I will never use it.
Link Posted: 4/5/2017 1:59:36 PM EDT
We need to stop bitching and actually stop these clowns.
Link Posted: 4/5/2017 2:31:22 PM EDT
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We need to stop bitching and actually stop these clowns.
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I'm more than willing to help, but with whom do we start?
Link Posted: 4/9/2017 7:15:17 PM EDT
I have used it, it is clean, and safe.  LEOs on it quite a bit.  An occasional bum, but that is typical for public transit.  I am from Chitcago, so I know.  
Link Posted: 4/10/2017 1:14:19 PM EDT
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I'm more than willing to help, but with whom do we start?
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I've been thinking about that. We have options.

We can do what the other side did and go with the long term route and slowly infiltrate media/schools/ government. That should always be part of the plan imo.

In the short term?  Hmmm. The problem is I'm not versed in the proper way to do this. I can admit that. All I know is what I see is not what America was meant to be. I don't see progress. At least for hard working people who value individual freedom. Since none of us actually spoke with any of the founding fathers I can only go by what they wrote.

So I dunno?  Maybe we should start off with the simple stuff. Start being more active and vocal with local issues?  

All I know I don't care who calls me names. The truth must be identified and corrected.

We probably have to start with getting a decent group of us together. We should identify goals we want to achieve.

Maybe I'm naive?  I don't know. I do know I don't like the direction we are going. It's frustrating.
Link Posted: 4/10/2017 8:33:12 PM EDT
I'm with ya on that, but to whom do we direct our ire on this particular issue to [hopefully] stop it in its tracks (pun intended).
Link Posted: 4/11/2017 12:14:57 AM EDT
no wonder it went to hell, the Light Rail Avenger is no longer with us...

RIP you crazy bastard…

found out via a repost that made one of the blogs I read in case you want to revisit the old interview
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 2:30:28 AM EDT
Ive ridden the light rail a bunch of times from asu to dbacks stadium. Ive never had a problem and i liked it so i could drink and not drive home.

It has purpose for me so i cant complain.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 2:31:33 AM EDT
Also just a response to the crime rate increase comment. Where did you find that data and is it a reputable source? Just curious.
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