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Posted: 1/21/2013 3:07:03 AM EDT
See you there!

Link Posted: 1/21/2013 5:12:33 AM EDT
Standing in line right now!
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 10:32:28 AM EDT
I went. Saslaw refused to even see us.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 10:41:04 AM EDT
I went. Saslaw refused to even see us.

Should have sat down in his office and said "we'll wait"
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 11:15:59 AM EDT
A great time, as usual. Del Spruill was 'entertaining' in his contradictions.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 11:45:04 AM EDT
The family and I (2 kids) got to speak with a bunch of legislative assistants.

All were pleasant and at least pretended to be interested, even that of my anti Senator.

Link Posted: 1/21/2013 12:13:44 PM EDT
Far too many of our folks did not heed the "no camo, no jeans" advice that was given at the Thursday night meeting.

Personally I don't care what anyone looks like, but when will we learn that our appearance is an important part of our message?
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 12:15:17 PM EDT
The family and I (2 kids) got to speak with a bunch of legislative assistants.

All were pleasant and at least pretended to be interested, even that of my anti Senator.

If they were in a double stroller, I saw you walking around on the 4th floor.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 12:51:54 PM EDT
Far too many of our folks did not heed the "no camo, no jeans" advice that was given at the Thursday night meeting.

Personally I don't care what anyone looks like, but when will we learn that our appearance is an important part of our message?

Sad, but true.

Couple of guys were in their work clothes, which is probably the only exception to the rule about dressing at least business casual.

My supergroup didn't see any negative reps; and both of mine are decent when it comes to RKBA stuff.

Link Posted: 1/21/2013 1:03:43 PM EDT
Far too many of our folks did not heed the "no camo, no jeans" advice that was given at the Thursday night meeting.

Personally I don't care what anyone looks like, but when will we learn that our appearance is an important part of our message?

Sad, but true.

Couple of guys were in their work clothes, which is probably the only exception to the rule about dressing at least business casual.

My supergroup didn't see any negative reps; and both of mine are decent when it comes to RKBA stuff.


We saw one. Deeds. He got a little upset about the bill to tell DC that VA won't allow state employees to assist with any fed gun control. He stated it was a feel good measure, and what the GA needed to do was ACT. So I took the opportunity to bring up Marshall's bill regarding armed people in schools. He begrudgingly admitted that it was at least a plan of action, not of talk.

Once he calmed down from that, we found some common ground talking to him about mental health in the VCIN/NCIC database, and ensuring that if they did it, there would be due process to have them removed once restored to competency.

His secretary tried hard to shoo us away (Saslaw's was successful in refusing us access to him), but he agreed to meet us in the end. We stayed calm and just spoke on the talking points. He was cordial and hopefully we at least made a good impression.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 1:28:40 PM EDT



The family and I (2 kids) got to speak with a bunch of legislative assistants.

All were pleasant and at least pretended to be interested, even that of my anti Senator.

If they were in a double stroller, I saw you walking around on the 4th floor.

Naw, they're 9 and 13.


Link Posted: 1/21/2013 2:36:40 PM EDT
Here's my notes.  My group, which included VTHOKIESHOOTER, visited the following folks.  Senate or House districts are in parens after the name.

Sen Stanley (20) - We had a nice meeting with the Legislative Aide and were assured Sen Stanley typically supports gun rights and VCDL positions.  Definitely came away with the impression that Stanley is a friend of gunowners and the 2nd.

Sen McDougle (4) - Basically the same notes as for Sen Stanley

Sen Black (13) - The Sen was in and made time for us a little later in the morning.  We had an excellent visit with him and he not only listened to what we had to say, he outlined some of the things he's doing to support our rights.  Most notably, he'll be working on the Senate side on Del Marshall's HB 2340.  That bill prevents any Virginia state gov't agency or organization from enforcing or assisting in the enforcement federal gun control law (details spelled out in the bill).  In Sen Black's words, "the federal government might be able to pass something, but the states don't have to play - let the Feds enforce it themselves."  I'm sure I got the wording wrong, but that was definitely the gist of his comment.

The House of Delegates was in session, so we visited with the Legislative Aides for the following:
Del R. Marshall (13) - Del Marshall has introduced at least two pro-gun bills.  HB2340 is the one Sen Black mentioned in our meeting.  Basically says Virginia agencies won't help with the enforcement of new Federal regs or laws infringing the right to keep and bear arms.  
HB1557 provides for teachers and school employees with CHPs to carry in school.  School boards are required to designate at least one person at each school who can carry on school property.

Del Ward (92) - The Legislative Aide took the VCDL information package and listened to what we had to day.  I remember meeting with Del Ward at a lobby day a few years ago.  She invited us in to her office, listened to what we had to say, it was a pleasant conversation, but I'm pretty sure it's rare for her to support the VCDL position.

Del Hugo (40) - (My delegate) Meeting slot had been rescheduled for early afternoon. Went back with a few others after lunch and talked with him for a few minutes.  He's a strong supporter of gun rights.  He didn't think there was much chance of any anti-gun bills making it through the legislature.

Delegates May (33), Minchew (10), Tyler (75), Torian (52) - All were in session and we met with the Legislative Aides.  Good conversations.  I came away with the impression that May and Minchew typically support gun rights, Tyler's aide asked several questions, including one directed to the women in our group.  One of the women hit it out of the park with an answer explaining why it was important for her to have the right to carry the tool to defend herself, including on a college campus when she goes.  I got the impression that Del Tyler isn't very strong on gun rights, but might support us on some issues.  Del Torian's aide said "the delegate considers himself a supporter of the 2nd amendment" - if they have to tell you they support it, odds are they don't.

As I left the building to get lunch, Del Marshall was coming in and was kind enough to stop and talk for a few moments.  As noted above, Del Marshall has two good bills.  He passed along a handout titled "Defend Yourself -- No Retreat from the Second Amendment" explaining his HB2340 and asked that it be copied and passed out to gun rights friends.  I haven't found it online, but will send a note to his office asking if they have it as a pdf or can post it to his website.

Also stopped by my Senator's office (Marsden-37).  He did take some time to talk to me and seems like a nice guy, but didn't understand that holding someone liable if their firearms are stolen doesn't do anything to stop crime and just victimizes a person who's property is stolen twice.  Note to self - work harder to fire him next time he's up for re-election.

Turn out was good, but not as high as I had expected.  I heard 700 and 1000 as estimates, I'm terrible at estimating crowd numbers, but I'd guess closer to 700, if that many.

It's extremely important that we keep the pressure on our Delegates and State Senators.  The ones that waffle need to be persuaded to waffle the right way, our friends need to know they've got support, and the lost causes need to see enough pressure to get a little worried about re-elections and maybe not fight so hard to take away our rights.

Link Posted: 1/21/2013 3:04:14 PM EDT
Just because I think this is worth reading again.


It's extremely important that we keep the pressure on our Delegates and State Senators. The ones that waffle need to be persuaded to waffle the right way, our friends need to know they've got support, and the lost causes need to see enough pressure to get a little worried about re-elections and maybe not fight so hard to take away our rights. 

Great notes, by the way!
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 4:50:22 PM EDT
Far too many of our folks did not heed the "no camo, no jeans" advice that was given at the Thursday night meeting.

Personally I don't care what anyone looks like, but when will we learn that our appearance is an important part of our message?

Worth repeating.

Right or wrong there is a huge difference to non-gun people who see a group of people in business casual vs a group in jeans/camo.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 5:19:57 PM EDT
I don't think good condition jeans and a nice shirt are out of line.  The camo tacticool stuff, wearing 30 round mags around your neck, etc was a little over the top though.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 5:53:53 PM EDT
I don't think good condition jeans and a nice shirt are out of line.  The camo tacticool stuff, wearing 30 round mags around your neck, etc was a little over the top though.

I'm with you. I was wearing clean jeans, decent shoes, a button down shirt and a blazer. :shrugs: I didn't receive the 'no jeans' memo.

I saw the 30 rd necklace later in the morning. I had to roll my eyes. I had a couple rabid people in my group that killed any headway we were making in the meetings with people on the fence.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 6:12:14 PM EDT
I don't think good condition jeans and a nice shirt are out of line.  The camo tacticool stuff, wearing 30 round mags around your neck, etc was a little over the top though.

I'm with you. I was wearing clean jeans, decent shoes, a button down shirt and a blazer. :shrugs: I didn't receive the 'no jeans' memo.

I saw the 30 rd necklace later in the morning. I had to roll my eyes. I had a couple rabid people in my group that killed any headway we were making in the meetings with people on the fence.

Maybe a little advice from the team leads carried down from the VCDL leadership would have been helpful.  Maybe as a handout or something.

I was surprised at how little specific instructions came out of the VA-Alerts this year compared to previous years.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 6:33:32 PM EDT
Far too many of our folks did not heed the "no camo, no jeans" advice that was given at the Thursday night meeting.

Personally I don't care what anyone looks like, but when will we learn that our appearance is an important part of our message?

No problem, I'll stay home next year, and let you well dressed folks handle it!

Link Posted: 1/22/2013 5:27:26 AM EDT
A friend and I attended lobby day yesterday.....I thought it was somewhat productive.....spoke with a lot of people......and I thought the crowd was decent........

Link Posted: 1/22/2013 5:42:50 AM EDT
Re: jeans, etc

As sad as it is; in situations like this, the messenger is viewed as well as the message.

I don't agree with it since I think that elected folks serve the people and not the other way around, but my view is not widely shared.

Link Posted: 1/22/2013 6:56:36 AM EDT
A friend and I attended lobby day yesterday.....I thought it was somewhat productive.....spoke with a lot of people......and I thought the crowd was decent........


My bald head is visible in that pic. What group were you in? The one that went to see Saslaw and Deeds?
Link Posted: 1/22/2013 11:12:45 AM EDT
I don't think good condition jeans and a nice shirt are out of line.  The camo tacticool stuff, wearing 30 round mags around your neck, etc was a little over the top though.

Plenty of people wear nice jeans and collars shirts on 'casual Friday' in local offices - I see no reason why that would not be appropriate attire for this event.  
Link Posted: 1/22/2013 12:55:05 PM EDT
my group talked with Loupassi......first....then went around to chat with others.......Just wanted to get the message out.....that we are lawful citizens........and we want our rights preserved......
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