Quoted: Why?
Now that they have been decalred gun free zones, they know an armed criminal, by defenition of criminal, has free run to commit terror at will, and any other wanton act criminals will commit, with no resistance. Kinda like being led to an oven. Its a fucked up deal, but there is nothing you can do to stop it. Not one damn thing.
And people send small ones they love to such places.
When my kids' school got locked down, the first thing I did was to go home, strap a pistol on, threw my small AR in the passenger seat, then went back to the school to wait for them to release my kids.
The law says you can carry while picking up/dropping off. This may have been a gray area, since I was sitting in the parking lot for 90+ minutes before they ordered us to leave.
Even if it wasn't kosher, my kids' safety takes precedence over any law, any day.