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Posted: 4/20/2007 1:41:37 PM EDT

I just saw this on the news. No they arent really killer pigs, But if you saw the homeowner talk what a jackass.

1st off,  development in Fla is outta hand. These lil 300+k home  burbs, are being built closer and closer to wildlife and wooded areas.

This dude wants the homeowners assc. to fork the bill and get the the owner of the land behind his home ,who he says the pigs came from to pay out also!!!

i know GFC says the pigs are property of the landowner... but since they are feral...
guess what mr.smarty pants,, have at it free pork!

sorry it gets me that folks move down here,insome fancy new burb just built in a swamp or wet land, then BITCH when nature shows  up....
Oh no fluffy got eaten by a gator?
Oh no,,i saw a snake
Oh no, i saw a pig...


Link Posted: 4/20/2007 3:49:12 PM EDT

Feral pig on my land = my pig.

Feral pig crosses on to YOUR land = YOUR pig!

I would be talking to him about the damage HIS pig did on MY land!

Its on HIS land now! Its HIS!

exactly... how i feel. I just cant stand that I HUMAN how dare nature happen,, YOU OWE me tude that guy had!
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 8:25:15 PM EDT
what a little whiny bitch the guy just had enough bacon and pork chops walk into his front yard to last him year and complains about it. I would have said nothing and just ate those little plump f*#@ers.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 3:22:37 AM EDT
notice the "for rent"sign. thats why he wants $$$. he doesnt live there i bet! He is prolly loseing  rent becuase the renter said im outta here becuase of the pigs!  greedy lil bicth.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 4:16:59 AM EDT


1st off,  development in Fla is outta hand.

Amen brother

This dude wants the homeowners assc. to fork the bill and get the the owner of the land behind his home ,who he says the pigs came from to pay out also!!!

Fuck that., Fuck him

sorry it gets me that folks move down here,in some fancy new burb just built in a swamp or wet land, then BITCH when nature shows  up....

Amazing, ain't it.....

[whiney Yankee voice] I didn't move to Florida for this! [/whiny Yankee voice]
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 4:36:37 AM EDT



1st off,  development in Fla is outta hand.

Amen brother

This dude wants the homeowners assc. to fork the bill and get the the owner of the land behind his home ,who he says the pigs came from to pay out also!!!

Fuck that., Fuck him

sorry it gets me that folks move down here,in some fancy new burb just built in a swamp or wet land, then BITCH when nature shows  up....

Amazing, ain't it.....

[whiney Yankee voice] I didn't move to Florida for this! [/whiny Yankee voice]

LMAO yip  ,, thats it, if you saw the vid clips of it.
" those pigs could hurt my  kids..."
he said he wanted to shoot them( figure some crap bag like that with a gun) but didnt want to get in trouble in his nice lil burb for doing so.

compound bow...PshhTTTtt squeeEEEEEEEEEeLLLlll.

Block party to fix my yard  and free beer with smoked and pulled pork!!
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 5:48:34 AM EDT
Right on Protus.   Dollar to a donut that bird is from NY/NJ.   Truth be told, his goddamned suburban home with that blasted St. Augustine grass is doing MORE damage to ecology than the friggin pigs!.....

Two things I utter abhor: 1-"WE DIDN'T DO IT LIKE THAT BACK NORTH'.   2-"THERE OUTTA BE A LAW'.   All intoned with their nasal snarl!
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 10:19:04 AM EDT
Every fall when they came down from up north,first thing that was done was to plant flower beds and gardens to spruce up the trailer parks.The local hog population would move in and feast. We then would offer to trap  the hogs for a nominal fee of $50 per trap load.After culling out the prime groceries and nuttin' the rest,they got wormed and "set free"(with a map to get back to the trailer park so we could trap them again and collect the bounty on the repeat offenders) Yep,had a nice little operation going on back then. They even bought meat from us at the end of season for their going back north hog roast. If ya caint lick um,stick um!
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 10:50:38 AM EDT

notice the "for rent"sign. thats why he wants $$$. he doesnt live there i bet! He is prolly loseing  rent becuase the renter said im outta here becuase of the pigs!  greedy lil bicth.

if he gives me 1yr free rent, i'll take care of'em
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 2:19:10 PM EDT
I only WISH a feral pig would wander my way...it'd be turning on a spit over a fire in my backyard.  
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 3:24:47 PM EDT
Wish I could find somebody needed some pigs exterminated. Try my hand at load development for pigs in a .44 handgun.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 3:27:20 PM EDT
New Yawkuhs
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 6:38:52 PM EDT
Random Thoughts...Anybody that posted actually live in Poincianna?? Just wondering.. does anyone really knows who lives there...  Yankee??? Southerner??? Hmmmm maybe some folks from the Caribbean?? Oh... I know... there are alto of homes there owned by Brits.. cause no one else would invest the time and money.. and they do rent them out as vacation homes...   plus folks working at service industry jobs doing the best they can like most of us?? Homeowners association to care of wild pigs.. absurd... Florida Cracker trying to get a cab in New York.. absurd.. somebody concerned about a situation that they never encountered..pretty common... needs education absolutely...  
By the way I do not live there.. the "feeding" frenzy over Yankees was a bit much IMO
I seems that "we" have bigger Democratic fish to fry.. to ensure the second amendment is not corrupted..
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 2:41:20 AM EDT


BAH...... iveyet to meet any northern  person  thats moved down here over the age of 40 that hasnt some sort of delusional way of seeing how the world should turn for them!!

but hey thats ok.... keep moving down here,,jacking up my cost of living, pushing  zoneing and development etc. Hey not  lik ethat 55+ burb  and new school cuased our local range to get closed.. i mean WHO woulda have ever thought to put a school, and 55+ burb 1/4 mile from a shooting ranges that been there for 20+ yrs?? then bicth about it!

who's the wonder child that drops 250K for a 1200sq foot home with the neighbors  house 10 ft away, never mid that its built on prime wet land, with fill dirt brought into raise it outta the flood zone.... Then bicth when the slab or stucco cracks

or the one who move sthere becuase its "out in the country" interp'd as  10 minutes from walmart. To complain of  the
deer that eat their flowers
more bugs
tree rats.
and those funny things  that  are called armadillos'
and why are possoms so ugly...

really,,,,, then bicth ,complain to city hall about it all or the Home owners ascc>??

but then move home each summer for 6 months....

PLUS dont come here asking for
liter of cola
or complain about how  we do BBQ and hot wings......
learn to drive,talk and act in public.
red lobster isnt seafood.........better yet think it is, you guys crowd up our local places
dont flood every resturant with the early bird specihal at 6... then share a plate and complain when the owner tells you , you gotta pay for 2!

Now you wanna move down,, enjoy our beachs, weather and nature t hen please by all means come down,,enjoy, start a new life here,,but if not...  stayup there,, and enjoy that cold weather and the way  "  YOU DO IT".. cuz i doubt any of us fla natives are gonna change...

this was all in jest and not directed at you,,unless of course you come back complaining that we are all the same
" bunch of lazy backwards hicks"
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 6:13:37 AM EDT
Protus' rant has far more than just a passing ring of realism.   At the bottom of it all is the syndrome we have all experienced of just too many people too, too fast.  

Beyond the the offensive "we didn't do it like that back North" is the utterly stupid demand for services like they had "back North", all the while paying little or nothing for it.   The fact we don't have an income tax is why a lot of 'em came here, of course, then the bitch is that the wages are too low, and they'd make twice this in Ma. or NJ....Tie that attraction factor to the quick buck and run developer mentality that's aided by the growth at any cost political thinking, a fact since the 1920's, and you wind up with the damn mess  we now have.

Like so many, I am NOT a native Floridian, but I have had family here since prior to WW2.....I AM a believer in "when in Rome"...........unfortunately so, so may of our new comers don't.......seeking instead to FORCE their view of correctness on those of us now living here.....Yes, I agree about the 2nd, I also believe that ALL the balance of that document is equally important.    I value my freedom.....inclusive of my right to own property.....which is under attack mostly by the economic forces of development, something that spills over into my enjoyment of other things.    In the course of this issue I find it utterly unconscionable that my tax burden has increased, even with homestead, from some 400 a year to nearly 4000 in the course of just three decades!!!

And that is with NO, ZERO, NADA increase in any real service level...(not that I want it anyway!)

Think you've got it tough if you just wanna find a place to shoot??    Hell, try being a dog hunter.........I refuse to lay out two plus grand a year for some chickenshit club membership and'v found myself relegated to ever shrinking public lands.....PLUS and this is a MAJOR PLUS....having to put up with the bullshit from the self anointed superior sportsmen called "still hunters".......Translated into they're "still" hunting over the dogs I've fed and trained, all the while criticizing me for my choice!

Far as Protus's remark about the shooting range goes, well, that's Stricklands in NW Daytona..     What he says is true, but in fact the problem goes back years and years.   Some of the problems were brought about by users themselves......I recall seeing one "Riddleite"  (thats an acronym for some of the fools at Embry Riddle for those of you out of area) hip shooting an FAL at the shortly to be closed 300 line and obviously putting every round over the back stop at about a 20 plus degree angle.....Deputy showed up shortly thereafter and told him to knock it off as he'd put a couple of holes in several house trailers......His reply, and this is a quote, "thats a dumb fucking place to put a trailer park".......True, but what kind of fool launches any projectile not knowing where it's gonna land?    The real fault with that range issue is that the responsible party, Volusia County, utterly failed to plan and relocate to a more suitable site.......They converted more than half to a BMX/Ball park complex, even tho Pittman/Roberson funds built that range!!!    The substitute range only happened when a major land owner wanted to develop still more adjacent property and GAVE the County a small parcel which resulted in a facility with substantially less use capability than the original.

"Yankee" bashing?   I really don't think so, its actually more a culture clash but in truth, I utterly despise those neat little suburban homes with their St. Augustine grass.........must be the HIllbilly in me!

God know, you just ain't shit if your front porch collapses and don't kill two or three hounds while dumpin' all your beer from that fridge by your swing!

Almost forgot,  Beach, what Beach???.....That strip of sand is now OWNED by the H/M associations,  if not by deed, certainly in the defacto sense........We now regulate it to the degree that any real enjoyment is costly, and in some instances impossible,......Fee's are outlandish and the tax burden placed on the County resident is utterly  disgraceful......What pray tell in HELL did we need an ARMED beach patrol for????The answer is truly (TRUELY) that some pol was enamored of the Bay Watch series that was running when it was created.......Wanna net some mullet in the surf after dark, forget it, the turtle lady'l get you for shining lights......How about a beer while doing whatever.......you won't get a crossbar hotel invite any more quickly than if it was some of that funny green tobacco......Oh, hell, I could go on and on.....!
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 6:32:14 AM EDT

just too many people, too fast.  

That's the bottom line right there, and anyone who thinks otherwise is an abject fool. Also, being a "native" doesn't mean shit, it's all about mind-set.
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 8:00:40 AM EDT
Side note: dogrunner, I gave up running hounds years ago for the very purpose you mention. Loved it, too.
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 8:17:46 AM EDT

Side note: dogrunner, I gave up running hounds years ago for the very purpose you mention. Loved it, too.

i gave up still hunting TB and Ocala because of all the jack'd up trucked drunk dog runners

As to, our famous beach commando's. i love the Lt, dangle  blue shorts they wear LOL . they are a joke.

My county/volsuia is a sell out to development !!!  1/2 the board walk is gone now the rest to follow, im sure the Bandshell will be demo'd to make room for a 30 story condo plex!
I rember being able to drive from 40 north all the way to Ponce. Not any more, remember when there was ramps every  city block, and where you could see the ocean...

I rember being able to fish dock lights and not have some  crank guy with a Nj accent come running out screaming to get away from HIS dock... while we are in a boat. Or even funnier is if they switch off the dock lights on you?

Like thats gonna hurt my fishing LOL... all i do is shine the q-beam at em saying i brought my own!

The rampat cartering to certain areas, of town by the PD,  while th enew chief is doing a good jobof rocking the boat, ive yet to see the presence need'd to crack down on dealers, its all about the "BIG " bust now days.... wish Vogal was SO again......

The whole area is implodeing or will, gas is on avg 10-14cents more in vol. county. Hell our stations have no sense one is 3.10$ per gallon,,  100yrds away  2.89$
the school system sucks, and the youth that run rampat here  prove that!

Jobs suck, the pay scale is LOW. daytona med income is 25-26k per person.. go seven south  and north its 35K+  WTF!!!
prop taxes just went up again...

Its really sad. BUT HEY dont worry mr. oh the pigs rooted up my yard..

there's plenty of cookie cutter 350k homes to be built once all  us working types move away to make room for " improvement".....
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 1:05:24 PM EDT
Well, Protus, I gotta take some exception to your commentary.....drunked up dog hunters.....hell, I have seen STILL hunters literally passed out by their vehicle.....don't play the "pick up truck w/dog box is shit" game, because it is a profile gambit of the lowest order.....Truth be told, the "still" hunters that crowd into the dog hunt areas do so just because they lack the skill and capacity to fairly take a deer on their own and want to do it the easy way by hogging onto someone else's stick.....I personally remember one case where a still hunter in Ocala poked a .30/30 into a friends stomach when that friend tried to claim some of the deer his dogs ran over the "still" hunter. Really ought to be called a thief!

Far as that new Chief in DB goes....well, if he had his shit together  his Dept. would have had that mess under control many, many years past.....I KNOW.  I am the person responsible for running all the crack heads and whores out of the city immediately north.....Daytona literally sat on its ass and did NOTHING for years, it was sort of like the bombing range in Ocala....all the deer run there when the hounds are on their ass.....all the dirtbags ran to Daytona because they couldn't take the heat from Holly Hill....That is an absolute  and easily provable fact.......How good is  Chitwood?....time'l tell, but I personally see the man as a grandstander and a 3 piece suit Chief that'l leave at the first good opportunity for another step up the ladder...

Y'know, it really aggravates the hell out of me to note the bitch fight going on between guys like us.....we're all hunters/shooters or similar.   We split, argue and defeat ourselves in what ought to be a common cause......I have never begrudged anyone because he wanted to "do it alone" in terms of hunting....but I've been on the receiving end of the dog/still argument it seems forever.......And before you say I don't know what I'm missing...well, I could show you several very good Caribou racks, a bear rug and a bunch of deer....not many of which were taken via hound.

I make a yearly expedition to my childhood home in Appalachia....I usually kill at least one buck, pass over a ton of does and such....I enjoy it immensely....but I have YET had to fork out the 200 bucks I offer those guys IF they can kill a legal buck in front of dogs.....It IS the hardest hunting you will ever do!

By the way, I made sure that bird with the .30/30 got arrested.

Link Posted: 4/23/2007 1:15:55 PM EDT

Well, Protus, I gotta take some exception to your commentary.....drunked up dog hunters.....hell, I have seen STILL hunters literally passed out by their vehicle.....don't play the "pick up truck w/dog box is shit" game, because it is a profile gambit of the lowest order.....Truth be told, the "still" hunters that crowd into the dog hunt areas do so just because they lack the skill and capacity to fairly take a deer on their own and want to do it the easy way by hogging onto someone else's stick.....I personally remember one case where a still hunter in Ocala poked a .30/30 into a friends stomach when that friend tried to claim some of the deer his dogs ran over the "still" hunter. Really ought to be called a thief!

Far as that new Chief in DB goes....well, if he had his shit together  his Dept. would have had that mess under control many, many years past.....I KNOW.  I am the person responsible for running all the crack heads and whores out of the city immediately north.....Daytona literally sat on its ass and did NOTHING for years, it was sort of like the bombing range in Ocala....all the deer run there when the hounds are on their ass.....all the dirtbags ran to Daytona because they couldn't take the heat from Holly Hill....That is an absolute  and easily provable fact.......How good is  Chitwood?....time'l tell, but I personally see the man as a grandstander and a 3 piece suit Chief that'l leave at the first good opportunity for another step up the ladder...

Y'know, it really aggravates the hell out of me to note the bitch fight going on between guys like us.....we're all hunters/shooters or similar.   We split, argue and defeat ourselves in what ought to be a common cause......I have never begrudged anyone because he wanted to "do it alone" in terms of hunting....but I've been on the receiving end of the dog/still argument it seems forever.......And before you say I don't know what I'm missing...well, I could show your several very good Caribou racks, a bear rug and a bunch of deer....not many of which were taken via hound.

I make a yearly expedition to my childhood home in Appalachia....I usually kill at least one buck, pass over a ton of does and such....I enjoy it immensely....but I have YET had to fork out the 200 bucks I offer those guys IF they can kill a legal buck in front of dogs.....It IS the hardest hunting you will ever do!

By the way, I made sure that bird with the .30/30 got arrested.

DR, the drunk remark was a joke hence my smilies, ive ran dogs before, been at  private clubs that do so etc. i enjoy hunting , be it  on a run or in a tree.
I left ocala because of folks like you mentioned above.... " this is my woods son.." kinda attitudes. That place should have more dead hunters than it does , with how some of them act. Im glad i have the lease i do, way far away from any public land,,or least the stuf its near is quota  permit only!

Glad you sent you crack heads this way LOL... its been fun with them! LOL.next time i cross mason ave ill see if i can drag some up with me   i know you gotta miss them and i agree that he is a PR piece  for sure...most of the area PD is, from what some  of the working LEO's say,
the whole " standing here and i cant get any help..."  from ones that wanna do their jobs....

Link Posted: 4/23/2007 1:20:06 PM EDT
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....Take all the DBs there you want.....I hung it up ten years ago......I still miss the adrenaline rush, but I truly rejoice in the lack of politics I've gotta play....
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 1:20:40 PM EDT
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....Take all the DBs there you want!!....I hung it up ten years ago!.....I still miss the adrenaline rush, but I truly rejoice in the lack of politics I've gotta play....
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 1:27:24 PM EDT

Link Posted: 4/23/2007 1:28:42 PM EDT
I know....how in hell do I get rid of one????????
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 1:56:19 PM EDT

I know....how in hell do I get rid of one????????

just edit one out lol... got ya all trigger happy talkin deer and crack heads huh
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