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Posted: 7/18/2010 9:48:16 PM EDT
originally I'm from Kansas (Towanda) and I've spent the last 3.5 years in NC at fort bragg ( 1 year in Iraq) and then last march i got an email saying that i have instructions to attend recruiting school (Army).  I contacted the station the that recruited me and hopefully they can pull some strings to bring me there.  I was bummed at first about getting selected for recruiting because i am in the Infantry and I am not ready to leave the line yet.  however since i have a second child on the way, i think that i can make this recruiting thing work.  So here's my question: can anybody help me out with KS NFA laws- specifically what is and is not allowed and anything related to trusts and decent lawyers that deal with nfa trusts contact info.  I figure if "the Man" is sending me home, then I'm going to have fun while I'm there, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Link Posted: 7/19/2010 5:06:45 AM EDT
Tacked thread

Although I have no NFA stuff, I use this as a reference.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 7:21:13 PM EDT
The only thing not really covered in the tacked thread is the subject of NFA trust attorneys. This subject comes up from time to time around here. I think several have used the guntrust lawyer guy, opinions vary though on that outfit though.

I personally think any lawyer who does revocable trusts should do the trick.
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 4:03:27 PM EDT
Please feel free to contact me directly if I may be of service.  I'm an FFL/SOT here in Kansas and will try to answer any questions you may have.  Thank you for your service!

Dave Gilmore
JDG Enterprise
[email protected]
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