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Posted: 8/19/2006 6:32:55 PM EDT
Hey Guys,

I remember a few years back(late 80's early 90's?) while killing time in Outdoor America, I saw this knife.  The Sabertooth, a big bowie knife with a smooth or saw tooth back.  In the case was a book written by the knife maker about his travels from one coast(East) to the other(West) on horseback.

I believe the maker lives or lived in Oklahoma.  I don't know why I didn't buy the knife.
Very nice, saw back, and it had a hole in front of the handle, I guess for your index finger.

Anyone own one of these knives?  Anyone know of Jefferson Spivey?

Link Posted: 8/21/2006 3:59:50 AM EDT
Used to see him around the  OKC gun shows quite a bit back in the mid 90's hawking his knives. Don't know much about him but he was the uncle to a team seargent I had with the old 12th group out of OKC.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 5:15:13 PM EDT
Thanks Nick710,

The few of his knives that I've seen, go any where from $500.............+.

I think......dang it I can't remember where I saw or heard this.  He built knives for the Cowboy Hall of Fame.....commemortive around the mid 1970's?? And many other designs.

The ones I saw at OA back in the late 80's early 90's were ..........if I remember,

Thanks Nick.

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