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Posted: 1/20/2013 7:47:00 PM EDT

What is the left's plan?

What will be the trigger to turn the registration list into the confiscation list?
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 7:51:13 PM EDT

What is the left's plan?

What will be the trigger to turn the registration list into the confiscation list?

Hey Jim. A few more shootings. If confiscation comes, decide what you want to do fast
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 8:12:10 PM EDT
An event more heinous and despicable then what happened in CT, something local.

Something political.

National emergency like an economic collapse, wide spread national disaster, etc.

They will think of something and will never let a crisis go to waste.

That's the problem, look how quickly they were able to act this time without even putting together a bill that made sense. Next time will be worse is my guess. I may be new to the politics of this state but I after what I've seen here in the past couple of weeks I wouldn't put anything past the tyrants in Albany.

Next time the Dems will take off the mask and show who they really are. They are patiently waiting for it.
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 8:25:48 PM EDT
An event more heinous and despicable then what happened in CT, something local.

Something political.

National emergency like an economic collapse, wide spread national disaster, etc.

They will think of something and will never let a crisis go to waste.

That's the problem, look how quickly they were able to act this time without even putting together a bill that made sense. Next time will be worse is my guess. I may be new to the politics of this state but I after what I've seen here in the past couple of weeks I wouldn't put anything past the tyrants in Albany.

Next time the Dems will take off the mask and show who they really are. They are patiently waiting for it.

Yeah, that all sounds right.

Just like in New Orleans, once the disaster hit, those bastards were stripping people of their rights.
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 8:39:58 PM EDT


The new ban was pushed through not because of an an incident, it was pushed through because it is the left agenda. They only needed a little "push" per se to get it done.
Confiscation will be with in the next 10 years. It took eight to get past the federal ban when it expired. By that figuring 8-10 year and there will be a knock on your door for all of your registered AW's. What the point of a data base if not to use it to confiscate?
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 3:36:12 AM EDT
I figure several factors will come into play.  First, registration has to be completed on April 15, 2014 so the state has an actual count of legal weapons.  That would then give them a rough idea of what the financial cost would be to confiscate them at $1000-$1500 per weapon.  Originally they were estimating $1 to $1.5 billion based on the conservative assumption there are one million weapons that would be subject to confiscation.  Whittle that legal number down significantly through registration and you will probably get a number that is easier to budget for say in the $100 to $150 million range.  Remember, unregistered weapons that are seized will not be compensated for since they will be illegal.

Secondly, the legislature will have to be in solid Democrat hands along with the Governor.  In fact, a super majority in the Senate, like the Assembly, would give them carte blanche to do what they want.

Third, another horrific incident similar to Sandy Hook anywhere in the United States.

Put those three together and I would lay $1000 in Vegas that confiscation was going to happen.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 3:51:17 AM EDT
The politicians are not going to gear up and do the dirty deed themselves.  This is why we need nullification at the officer level.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 4:01:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 4:06:43 AM EDT
That's not how it worked in NYC back in the 90s.

Nearly this same law was passed in New York City then.  A couple years later, sorry, no "assault weapons" allowed in NYC.  Get them out or we'll come get them.

There were actual home visits by the NYPD.  They knew where all the registered guns were located, after all.

No additional atrocity will be needed.  Just democrat control of the state government.

New York City was the model.  The next step in the process has just been exported to New York State.

<sarcasm>Soon we will all be as safe from gun violence as everyone in NYC. </sarcasm>

Link Posted: 1/21/2013 4:25:48 AM EDT
You can get the gun owners to pay for it, once all the guns are known then a small tax that keeps growing and growing until most owners can't afford to keep their "assault guns".  much smaller group to now take the guns from.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 4:30:05 AM EDT
Ha ha.  We can't afford NOT to keep them.

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