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Posted: 4/21/2007 1:49:11 PM EDT
At Washington University - in the main parking in front of Brookings Hall (the "main" campus building on the hill that faces forest park).

I believe it's the oldest and largest student-run carnival in the country (going back to 1907).  It's basically run by the fraternities and sororities, and the big appeal are the "productions" (i.e. short plays) that the fraternities and sororities put on in these stages and buildings that they build every year (new ones every year).  They also bring in some professional operators to run some carnival rides - and in addition to the plays, the students also organize various games and make and sell classic food - from funnel cakes, to barbecue, to awesome fried food, and so on.

(There's was also a large army/ROTC booth, with a claimbing wall, and cool stuff.  A lot of people were having a good time there).

So if you like the carnival atmosphere, or you really like the college "feel" of a fraternity/sorority organized event, then you can check it out.  It was on today (but I think it's done by now), but will also be on tomorrow.  While rides and food are fun, the really cool part of the carnival is watching the short plays and the cool sets that the students have built.

I'm often a judge for Thurtene, and this year I judged food.  All the free food was awesome (just had to flash my "judge" ID ), but by the end of the day it was a bit much.  That said, if you go - try to deep-fried ice-cream cookie (I forget which fraternity - but the booth is in the corner of the carnival closest to Brookings Hall on the hill).  It is awesome!

ETA:  All the proceeds from the Carnival go to charity, so even if you hate fraternities and sororities, it's still for a good cause.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 7:04:16 AM EDT
Will there be lasses in togas?
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