"That last part is something I wish was more public, but hey......"
Photoman, the guy is a conservative, pro-gun assistant DA in a liberal county. He doesn't want to lose his job, which is something that I'm sure everyone can appreciate.
He's a great source of information and advice because he's looking at all of this from the perspective of a prosecutor, not a defense attorney, or one of us armchair lawyers. Even after the Hamdan decision, he said that he could get a prosecution for someone carrying concealed in home or business if he wanted to. Of course, he wouldn't do that.
One thing he's done is hammer home to me the point that there's the letter of the law, the spirit of the law, and then what prosecutors can do with the law. The latter is very much different from the two former issues.
Despite our RKBA amendment, and despite Hamdan, an aggressive anti-gun DA can still hurt somebody.
I want to change the law now, just like everybody else. But how, with Doyle and Robson in power?