This morning Mr. Cooper and I had our business lunch. Freedom Bonding estimates it will be handing me between 2 and 5 new cases each week. I will get paid directly from the individuals in those cases, and will not be an employee of the bonding operation (has to work that way whether we want it to or not, but I like it this way anyway). Assuming a worst case scenario, where I get 2 cases a week, and NO other work whatsoever, and only charge $100 each for them, that's $200 a week and I'm no worse off than I would be working 6 days a week at the pawnshop for $6 an hour. Plus, I would be doing what I want to do, what I went to law school to do, instead of working behind a gun counter (which is fun, but a high school dropout could do the same thing and would make the same money).
What's the other alternative? Keep working at the pawn shop and keep sending in those resumes, except that there are only two positions available in my area that I would have even a reasonable chance at, both pay less than $35k a year (before taxes) and would require me to commute an hour each way every day. Both will end up stringing me along and hiring someone "with more experience", just like the last opening that collapsed, at the A.G.'s office. $35k a year is just under $3,000 a month. If I can make $670 a week at this between the bonding referrals and whatever else I can generate, I'll be making as much as I would at a "real job". I wouldn't be doing someone else's shit work, doing research for them so they can show up to court and look good, and handing me the loser cases that the new guy gets because he can't say no. Even if I'm making the same or slightly less money than I could be working for someone else, there are many other reasons why I might quickly find myself in a position where I'll never want to work for another person for the rest of my life.
Furthermore, I'll be paying taxes as a business entity, with all the evils and blessings thereof, but $35,000 worth of business income a year, with expenses deducted, will probably be close to the same amount of total tax paid as $35,000 in pure salary with someone else claiming the deductions for THEIR business. People bitch about how corporations are treated preferentially by the tax code--well then, its time to become a corporation! By the way I'm not stupid enough to try my own taxes with this, Erik Krueger of MODCC infamy is a very competent corporate CPA, when he isn't bayonetting targets with one of his ancient Mausers. He will help me with bookkeeping and will be my tax man.
Finally, Morgan put it this way: we've already proven that we can live, if we have to, on her income alone (from being a school teacher). Its not alot of fun, but we can do it. If this thing is an abject failure and goes tits up in two or three months, I get to put on my resume' that I was once the head of my own law firm, that I represented x number of clients in fields x, y, and z, but gee whiz I'd much rather prefer to work for the public defender's office or for the attorney general's office. Or I can put on my resume' nothing else at all, because I've been working at a pawn shop and checking my voice mail when I come home every day for a phone call that never came.
Everyone is behind me on this. I've been talking with alot of small business owners who are no smarter than I am, who don't have the education I do, and who don't really work any harder than I've ever worked. One thing they did have was the balls to work for themselves instead of for someone else. Morgan is behind me, my family is behind me 100%, and nobody has come up with a reason why I shouldn't roll the dice, work my ass off, and see what happens when I'm in charge of my own destiny.
So, as of today, the dice just got rolled. Anyone need a lawyer?