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Posted: 10/18/2016 3:12:54 PM EDT
I have two smooth bore 870s, one was my dads and I will not alter it in any way, the other is just my general brush/hunting 870 that my wife bought me.   Now I hate using a shotgun for deer, at least smooth bore.  

So would you buy a new/used rifled shotgun or would you just replace the barrel on the smooth bore with a rifled one?

My dad and brother both seem to like their 20 gauges.  

I have my 6.8 for hunting in Wayne county but really most of my hunting this year will be in onondaga

Hoping to get this guy

Link Posted: 10/18/2016 3:16:31 PM EDT
Get an inline muzzle loader instead.
Link Posted: 10/18/2016 3:29:48 PM EDT
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Get an inline muzzle loader instead.
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thought about it, I don't know why but I don't really want one
Link Posted: 10/18/2016 4:10:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/18/2016 4:19:00 PM EDT
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why wouldn't you buy a rifled barrel v an entire new shotgun?
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870 Barrels switch out really quickly and easily.  Get a barrel with a cantilever scope mount.  

I wish I knew you were looking for one about a week ago.  I just sold one on the EE. I would have given you a good price!

Link Posted: 10/18/2016 5:17:29 PM EDT
Meet my at my ffl's shop, borrow my Winchester 1300 ranger.  Fill out 4473, pay the transfer fee.  Hunt with my rifled pump gun.  Return to ffl, transfer the gun back to me, pay the transfer fee.

I'll take you out to breakfast.  Still cheaper than a new barrel.    I really don't understand what all the anti- SAFE act fuss is about, really.

Land of the free?
Link Posted: 10/18/2016 6:44:05 PM EDT
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why wouldn't you buy a rifled barrel v an entire new shotgun?
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I have both and shoot 8-10 inch sized groups at 200 yds and cloverleafs (on a good day)  at 100 with the H&R 20 gauge using Remington Accutips.
Shoot no better than paperplate groups at 100 with my 870 slug barrel. Very likely me or the gun but the 870 gets no action in the fall anymore.....unless the wife is coming along and she immediately commandeers the H&R.

I think I paid 250-275 for the H&R
Link Posted: 10/18/2016 7:08:07 PM EDT
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why wouldn't you buy a rifled barrel v an entire new shotgun?
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Because i was hoping you guys would convince me to buy a new barrel AND a new gun

Link Posted: 10/18/2016 7:59:22 PM EDT

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Because i was hoping you guys would convince me to buy a new barrel AND a new gun

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why wouldn't you buy a rifled barrel v an entire new shotgun?

Because i was hoping you guys would convince me to buy a new barrel AND a new gun

Sorry the rest of HTF let you down.


(Tell wife new shotty is for new baby!)
Link Posted: 10/18/2016 9:35:24 PM EDT
Mossberg 935 Magnum with the turkey and rifled slug barrel and be done with it.   I did it 3 or 4 years ago and love that gun.  Actually want to get the waterfowl barrel for it and I'll be all set.
Link Posted: 10/18/2016 9:41:15 PM EDT
Savage 220/212.
Link Posted: 10/18/2016 10:48:52 PM EDT
Dont waste your time on a barrel. The cost of them is usually half the price or more for just a another gun..

I favor the Remington line of shotguns. 870's and 1100's... I purchased two express combos in 20 ga for kids about 5 years ago.. If they chose to hunt.. I ended up using one as my main deer shotgun after not be being able to take the pounding from my 12ga 870 special field with the rifle choke in it. I just use the slugger ammo and getting a group smaller than a pie plate at 100 yards...

my neighbor has the 20 ga mossberg 500 with a rifle barrel is getting about the same size hits out 100 yards as my 870.

Link Posted: 10/18/2016 10:58:00 PM EDT
I hunted for years with a rem 870 smooth bore with rifle sites. with practice I could shoot a softball size group at 50 yards. most of my kills were at 50 yards on in. upgraded to a rifled barrel for my 870 and could group the same softball size at 100 yards. depending on where you hunt 100 yards is a long ways in the woods. I still use the good old smooth barrel and foster slugs if it is going to be thick. If you are going to hunt wide open spaces a rifle is the way to go but if it is thick and your shots will be100 yards on in a rifled barrel for you shotgun will not let you down.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 8:37:30 AM EDT
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Savage 220/212.
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my dad and brother seem to like theirs

I don't know, I'[ll probably just buy a barrel.   I'd rather buy a rifle since I hate shotguns but they are of no use to me where I hunt.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 10:12:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 11:52:45 AM EDT
I know someone looking to offload a .50 cal caplock rifle with a 2nd barrel in 12 gauge that's threaded for chokes. Not sure if that would help you.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 7:15:41 PM EDT
Buy an 870 with a rifled barrel, with a cantilever scope mount.. DO NOT used those stupid "saddle mounts" or mount the scope on your receiver, they will lose zero every time you bump your barrel, or change it out ( assuming you plan on using an optic.)
I was in the same boat as you 10 years ago, and Im glad I ended up buying the whole gun vs just the extra barrel.. I actually ended up with 4 870s over the years, all for different purposes..
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 9:32:36 PM EDT
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Buy an 870 with a rifled barrel, with a cantilever scope mount.. DO NOT used those stupid "saddle mounts" or mount the scope on your receiver, they will lose zero every time you bump your barrel, or change it out ( assuming you plan on using an optic.)
I was in the same boat as you 10 years ago, and Im glad I ended up buying the whole gun vs just the extra barrel.. I actually ended up with 4 870s over the years, all for different purposes..
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Link Posted: 10/20/2016 6:19:12 AM EDT
Inline muzzle loader gives much better range and trajectory for those longer shots.  Even in shotgun only counties (Dutchess for instance)  I go with my TC Omega or a TC Encore handgun.  If you are dead set on a shotgun get a rifled bolt action with fixed barrel for maximum repeatable accuracy.
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 6:37:03 AM EDT
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Inline muzzle loader gives much better range and trajectory for those longer shots.  Even in shotgun only counties (Dutchess for instance)  I go with my TC Omega or a TC Encore handgun.  If you are dead set on a shotgun get a rifled bolt action with fixed barrel for maximum repeatable accuracy.
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I'm not worried so much aboit range with my shotgun, arent many places to shoot beyond 75 where we hunt, now where i hunt in wayne we can get some longer 200yd plus shots, which is pretty cool.

I just hate the accuracy of this smooth bore
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 8:18:06 PM EDT
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Savage 220/212.
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Link Posted: 10/20/2016 9:36:33 PM EDT
If you seek accuracy, time for a new gun.

Where I hunt, 75yds is a long shot so it's less of an issue. That being said, I still use a Tikka 30-06, cause I can.
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 10:10:26 PM EDT

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Dont waste your time on a barrel. The cost of them is usually half the price or more for just a another gun..

I favor the Remington line of shotguns. 870's and 1100's... I purchased two express combos in 20 ga for kids about 5 years ago.. If they chose to hunt.. I ended up using one as my main deer shotgun after not be being able to take the pounding from my 12ga 870 special field with the rifle choke in it. I just use the slugger ammo and getting a group smaller than a pie plate at 100 yards...

my neighbor has the 20 ga mossberg 500 with a rifle barrel is getting about the same size hits out 100 yards as my 870.

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This, it may even make more $$ sense to sell the gun you have and get a 2 barrel 870.

I think a rifled 870 barrel with cantilever is around $300, the entire gun new with same barrel is about $550 msrp
Link Posted: 10/21/2016 9:12:30 AM EDT
I guess I got lucky with my 870.  I run a smoothbore barrel and when I use it in shotgun counties (or in some areas the landowner wants use to use them although rifles are allowed) I have no problems.  I sighted it in again last year (Damn OUCH) I shot a cloverleaf at 50 yards.( Lots of luck I'm sure)  I also run plain old Winchester 2 3/4 rifled slugs.  Whapped a beautiful big 6 (He SHOULD of had brow tines...) with it at 35 yards 2 years ago.  Good God I saw the slug hit...OOOOooofaaaaaa.  That HAS to hurt Most other run the rifled cantilevered barrel with optics and shot some form of sabot.  Easily good to 100 yards.  I also shoot a Thomson Omega 50 cal muzzleloader.  I hate the reality of only 1 shot tho.
Link Posted: 10/21/2016 12:41:23 PM EDT
Just curious, where about in Wayne county?  That's my home county and I hunt there with family when visiting every Thanksgiving
Link Posted: 10/21/2016 2:52:18 PM EDT
If the Savage isn't your cup of tea...

I started with an 870/12 and a smoothbore. Just fine to 50yd, Brenneke 2-3/4 Black Magic slugs did great for me.

Added the rifle-sight rifled barrel a couple years later. Solid 100yd gun with Remington Copper Solid sabot slugs.

Got tired of the brutality of 12ga and picked up a Mossberg 500 Field/Deer 20ga combo for about $300. It kills deer JUST fine.
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