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Posted: 8/20/2017 8:35:53 PM EDT
Especially near Vienna, IL?
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 11:16:43 AM EDT
I drove up I-57, from Marion to Champaign, on Friday night and the electronic message boards on the interstate warned of traffic congestion and delays on August 21st and 22nd due to the solar eclipse.  

I would imagine it will be congested, especially with people stopping on the interstate to view the eclipse.
Link Posted: 8/22/2017 10:08:28 PM EDT
We went down in the morning of the 21st, it took five hours for 250 miles from Petersburg, IL.  It took 8 hours coming back, two major traffic jams from Vienna north to Rte 64, then from south of Litchfield on 55 up to Springfield, IL.  It was stopped at Springfield.  What a day!!  Gas was $2.49, and bathrooms were lined up, although I walked right in in Johnson City.  Lots of police and firefighters directing traffic.  Two lane or four lane going north is was packed.
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