Saw a pretty cherry lookin' HK94 walkin' around, dude was really nice and enjoyed talkin' about it, would've took 23-25 for it. I've seen some NASTY examples for that price at shows, this one was super clean. He didn't sell and took it back home.
Coz gave me a lil advice here and there on AR's, think I turned him off when I mentioned I want a 308 pistol. Also looked SC's Hesse AR10 (AR25?) over too, almost busted my ass in a pool o' drool.
Bought a coupla wrapped packs of Hungarian 762x54 for $2 apiece, gonna try out an M38 I picked up.
Jerky haul: Pastrami, Turkey, and my favorite Jalepeno Cheese!
Didn't find any 762 bakelite mags, only spotted 8 545's and a buttload of polymers.
Passerby was carryin' a single-stack WASR10, had synthetic on it and a bag of original furniture etc, wanted 300 cash. Kind've beat myself up on the way home for not grabbin' it.
Benny was there (formerly of Mil Supply in Fort Worth) had some bargains, bought a M70 Yugo kit.
Noticed there were hardly any receivers for AK's, only a few Eubanks and a coupla OOQ. One Global was there but a few more $ than I wanted to pay.
Spotted a Williams receiver for a FAL (carbon steel!) for well under 300, it was everything I could do not to go back over there today and buy it.