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Posted: 7/26/2007 6:26:03 PM EDT
I have an offer to buy my FM 5.7 USG from a guy in California. The problem is he wants the three 20rd mags. I know you guys have a 10rd limit, but could I send him the mag bodies and the springs and followers to his FFL? That way if he assembles it he gets in trouble and not me.  I am a FFL/SOT so breaking any laws that would get me in trouble is not worth it as I am basically blowing this gun out and cost. Any ideas? Or do I just say sorry.
Link Posted: 7/26/2007 7:11:04 PM EDT
If you're sending him all of the parts un-assembled, they're just parts. Once he assembles them, he's creating his own problem.
Link Posted: 7/26/2007 7:15:13 PM EDT
Can I ship the ammo straight to him?
Link Posted: 7/26/2007 7:41:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/26/2007 8:39:14 PM EDT
I could be wrong, but I think that pistol was put into production in 2000, which means the Ca buyer did not own any 20 round mags prior to 2000.  It would be interesting to know if you can ship magazine replacement parts to California for magazines that were never legal to own in California.  Try contacting the FFL in Ca that you are going to ship the gun to.
Link Posted: 7/26/2007 11:47:44 PM EDT

I could be wrong, but I think that pistol was put into production in 2000, which means the Ca buyer did not own any 20 round mags prior to 2000.  It would be interesting to know if you can ship magazine replacement parts to California for magazines that were never legal to own in California.  Try contacting the FFL in Ca that you are going to ship the gun to.

Until they are assembled, they are perfectly legal, even if the magazines are proprietary magazines for firearms made after 2000.

Personally, I'd ship the magazines separately, and direct to him, completely disassembled, with a note stating that the magazine pieces are for rebuilding lawfully owned full-capacity magazines.

I can't believe that someone would be stupid enough to build up full capacity magazines for a firearm that didn't exist on the market until after the cutoff for the full capacity magazine ban.
Link Posted: 7/27/2007 12:18:06 AM EDT
He may very well be thinking of selling this gun in the future and to an out of state purchaser.  That being said, it would be wise of him to have all the parts for the future owner.  And one never knows if the gun laws may change in the future and California will be liberated.  Also, maybe he has a residence in AZ or somewhere else he likes to go and shoot without Unconstitutional restrictions.
Link Posted: 7/27/2007 4:53:38 AM EDT

I could be wrong, but I think that pistol was put into production in 2000, which means the Ca buyer did not own any 20 round mags prior to 2000.  It would be interesting to know if you can ship magazine replacement parts to California for magazines that were never legal to own in California.  Try contacting the FFL in Ca that you are going to ship the gun to.

I thought the same thing, but I can't remember which gun site I found it not to be true.
there was some commercially available before 2000.
I wish I could remember where that thread was.

Link Posted: 7/27/2007 6:16:35 AM EDT


Personally, I'd ship the magazines separately, and direct to him, completely disassembled, with a note stating that the magazine pieces are for rebuilding lawfully owned full-capacity magazines.

I agree with leelaw on this. Ship the mag parts to him with the "rebuilding only" note. If he decides to be a felon after you sent the parts its his fault not yours.
Link Posted: 7/27/2007 7:01:41 AM EDT


I can't believe that someone would be stupid enough to build up full capacity magazines for a firearm that didn't exist on the market until after the cutoff for the full capacity magazine ban.

I see a lot of it.

Guys in their early 20's with highcap Springfield XD mags. H&K, Cproducts and Magpul AR mags.
Link Posted: 7/27/2007 9:49:49 AM EDT



I can't believe that someone would be stupid enough to build up full capacity magazines for a firearm that didn't exist on the market until after the cutoff for the full capacity magazine ban.

I see a lot of it.

Guys in their early 20's with highcap Springfield XD mags. H&K, Cproducts and Magpul AR mags.

Those are replacements for the hi-caps they had when they were 12.

Seems to be a lot of those guys on Calguns.  I'm sure someone will jump in and tell me all about it.

The fact is no one seems to be being charged for hi-caps anyway.  

You can also keep these disassembled to use for out of state shooting trips or in case of zombies.
Link Posted: 7/27/2007 6:39:21 PM EDT
You sure those AR mags aren't C Products 10/30's? I had a few of those, they take 30rd bodies and permanently close it to 10. A lot of people are know doing that with ARs, AKs, FALs, UZIs, etc
Link Posted: 7/28/2007 4:38:03 PM EDT
Thanks for all the input, but the guy backed out! Was selling the gun and ammo at wholesale cost and he though it was a bit too high.
Link Posted: 8/5/2007 10:17:19 AM EDT
I've seen guys out wtih 30rd mags too.  Not worth the risk to me, I have some, I keep them at my parent's place in AZ where they are perfectly legal.  I do have some of the 10/30 mags just for looks.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 1:24:16 AM EDT




I can't believe that someone would be stupid enough to build up full capacity magazines for a firearm that didn't exist on the market until after the cutoff for the full capacity magazine ban.

I see a lot of it.

Guys in their early 20's with highcap Springfield XD mags. H&K, Cproducts and Magpul AR mags.

Those are replacements for the hi-caps they had when they were 12.

Seems to be a lot of those guys on Calguns.  I'm sure someone will jump in and tell me all about it.

The fact is no one seems to be being charged for hi-caps anyway.  

You can also keep these disassembled to use for out of state shooting trips or in case of zombies.

I take it a lot of you guys haven't been paying attention to this thread on Calguns?  Check out the thread from page 20 or so, you'll get the gist.  The magazine ban may become totally irrelevant very soon.  Everyone should read it.
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