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Posted: 1/10/2009 8:29:40 AM EDT
Guys, I will be driving from Boise to Front Sight in February.

What is the quickest route?

Let's assume clear roads, good weather, etc, etc.

I have posted the google maps link which takes us through salt lake city:


When you suggest an alternate route please editorialize with at least two things:

1) how many curves
2) how many cops shooting radar.


Link Posted: 1/10/2009 3:30:07 PM EDT
The route you have posted is Interstate all the way to Vegas....95 from Vegas to Front Sight is 4 lane then switches to 2 lane.  Or you could go Blue Diamond Highway to Pahrump/Front Sight.

The only viable alternative to your route is 93 from Twin Falls through Wells and  Ely etc. to Vegas and then on to Front Sight.   That would be 2 lane basically the whole way except for occasional passing lanes.   93 is for the most part a decent well maintained road.  The traffic is usually light.     You will average a higher speed on the Interstate but will drive fewer miles on 93....in my opinion the 93 route has nicer scenery but thats just my opinion.  

Either route will get you there...you just need to plan your stops for gas etc. more carefully on the non interstate route as gas stations can be as much as 100 miles apart on that road.

Either route is a relatively pleasant drive.  
Link Posted: 1/12/2009 7:54:58 PM EDT
I agree 93 from Twin Falls straight down is my favorite route to and from the NW. I like the 2 lane roads, the scenery is great and traffic is non existant. They are long straight roads across 60 mile long valleys mostly. Slow down to the speed limit in all the small towns. The Sheriff's families live there, and they need the money. In the open range I have not seen a speed trap outside of the towns.
If there is alot of snow I would reconsider that route though. You  hear about someone who lost there toes walking for help every few years.
Link Posted: 1/13/2009 2:52:53 AM EDT
I've made the drive several times when I was stationed at Nellis and later once I moved to Boise.  I would say taking I-93 and then take Route 6 out of Ely to Route 318 and you'll pick up 93 just south of Hiko.  318 runs paralell to 93 and it will cut a good deal of time off your trip.

One of my friends swears by taking I-15 through Utah when driving back and forth from Boise/Vegas, but if you want to take your time and enjoy yourself go for it.

I always made sure I had extra provisions and plenty of CD's.  Its a long boring drive and one I'll not take again.  The one thing I was always worried about was breaking down because you would be screwed.  Thats why I always had my ruck filled with MRE's and survival gear in case help didn't come along too soon.  My wife and I often felt like the last people on Earth when making that trip.  I can remember driving for 3 hours without seeing another car.  My wife made that drive a few times herself in a used Ford Escort.    Good luck and have fun at your school.
Link Posted: 1/13/2009 7:51:39 AM EDT
95 ain't so bad.
Link Posted: 1/13/2009 10:32:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 6:22:07 AM EDT
I'm 30 miles out of Tonopah (hwy95/6). If you need a place to layover, I have a couch. Or a spare bed? I'm using the spare room to move stuff from another room into.
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