Well, "Big bucks aren't stupid bucks"
We educated the surviving bucks last year by killing the dumb ones. But these surviving deer really are fairly smart, they are starting to look up into the trees.
We've got one doe that somebody has hit with an arrow and she is really smart. I haven't seen her, neither has my boys but we've got her on camera a lot.
I'm going again this morning and watch the back feeder where the deer were yesterday morning when the sun came up.
Which means they'll probably be up at the front feeder.
We've cut down to just two feeders on that place and are basically only hunting two stands out of five, one in the deep woods, one on the edge of the pasture.
I may not shoot another one but then again I may.
I've got well over 100 lbs of ground venison for chili, meat loaves, and stew.
Another deer would get made into jerky and sausage which is expensive.
Hell, having deer under you while you're hunting is a real thrill.
What I'm hoping is I'll get a coyote or that big bobcat.