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Posted: 10/8/2005 5:59:11 PM EDT
    Where can I get some plain old WWB .223 Value Packs without having to drive all over the friggin island to find it?  Preferably, I need something on or near the leeward side since I am up at Schofield and the traffic thing - well you know how that goes...  
    I get the no ammo thing at Wally World and Kmart, but what is up with Sports Authority?  I have been to the store in Waikele like 5 times in the last month and a half (during which I have been told that they had some on order) and all they have is 20 round boxes for over $5.  They do however have over 200 value packs of  22-250 on the shelf that ain't moving anytime lately...  That store has the single worst ammo selection of anyplace that I've ever been.  It was not that bad when I was stationed here 4 years ago cause I used to buy 45 ACP regularly there.  
    I also need some 2 3/4 12 ga. slugs (I'm not choosy, but usually prefer Winchester).  SA has nothing but 00 Buck...  
Can anyone help a frustated brother out?  I mean it's not I like I am looking for anything exotic...  

Edited for my poor typing ability...
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 11:29:24 PM EDT
the sports authority on ward (in town) has 2 3/4 winchester slugs in stock.  no 40 round pack of .223 though.  the only .223 they have is the winchester soft point for 14.99 for 20 rounds.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 11:41:07 PM EDT
basically sports authority has crappy ammo selection because of their crappy ass buyers.  on the store level, they can't order ammo so they can't get anything specific in when they need it.  simplt put, the ammo is sent from the mainland and each store really has no say as to what they receive.  i know it's lame and stupid but that how sports authority is.  

also the winchester gray box .223 soft points are 14.99 at the SA store in town and they have an entire pallet of it in the back.  it's been there for about 2 years now, just trickling out to those deperate for plinking ammo or for hunters.  generally nobody buys it cause it's so fricken expensive.  the store will probably never ship it out either cause it'd cost them too much to send it back.

all in all sports authority is dumb but they do have some good deals at times.  like the other month when they put their mossberg 12 gauge special hunters on clearance for 70 bucks.  THAT was a deal.  
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 2:30:21 AM EDT
Whats the price on WWB .230 gr FMJ?  Used to get the 100 rd boxes for $20 in Texas, whats it cost here?
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 4:37:31 AM EDT

Whats the price on WWB .230 gr FMJ?  Used to get the 100 rd boxes for $20 in Texas, whats it cost here?

230 grain .45ACP at SA is 14.99 for 50 rounds.  FMJ and JHP.  same price.
180 grain .40S&W at SA is 9.99 for 50 rounds(FMJ)  and 11.99 for 180winclean.
i think the only 100 round value packs they sell are for the 9mm FMJ which go for about 14.99
the 50 round 9mm FMJ is 7.99

I'm pretty sure about these prices, you might want to call the store and double check the price and whether or not they have it in stock.  hope this was of some help.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 7:14:46 AM EDT
Have you tried Ronak?   Look em up in the white pages.  His place is in Waipahu.  Call first before going to see what he has.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 2:54:26 PM EDT
    Thanks - will do...
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