Quoted: I picked Magnolia since it easy to get to from most of the northern suburbs and that most that might have wanted to go wouldn't have to drive, about a block from the subway station. I wouldn't even attempt it from Ft. Worth, the closest you could get would be Mockingbird Station and that is about an hour from 20 & Bryant Irvin.
mm |
Dallas has a subway?!
And there's actually areas where it's seriously hard to park? I don't think I've ever seen that outside of New York City.
I've only been in the area a few weeks, and I'm not sure how much longer I'm staying (probably on the order of a few more weeks, though there's no telling). I still really live in Houston, and I have driven over an hour before to get to Houston Crew meetups. I wouldn't mind seeing a little of Dallas while I'm here. I kinda thought Dallas and Ft. Worth were roughly the same, but after a little research, it looks like Dallas has over twice the population.