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Posted: 6/20/2011 9:43:10 AM EDT
une 20, 2011

Dear Mr. Shaw:

Thank you for contacting me to express your opinion regarding H.R. 1781, the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011.  As your Congressman, I appreciate hearing your thoughts and welcome every opportunity to be of service.

As you may know, H.R. 1781 was introduced by Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) on May 5, 2011 and was subsequently referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Education and the Workforce, where it awaits further action. If enacted, it would require a background check for every firearm sale. Furthermore, it would create regulation to require that all individuals who should be prohibited from buying a firearm are listed in the national instant criminal background check system.

As the author of Fairness in Firearms Testing Act, I have made it one of my primary responsibilities in Congress to defend our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.  I have been committed to working with other like-minded Members of Congress to develop a legislative strategy to protect our gun rights.  Though I am not a member of the House Committee on the Judiciary or the Committee on Education and the Workforce, please be assured that I will keep your thoughts in mind should H.R. 1781 come before the full House for a vote.

Again, thank you for sharing your concerns.  If you feel that I may be of additional assistance on this, or any other matter of importance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I also invite you to sign up for my weekly email newsletter, or to share your ideas and opinions, by visiting my website at http://gingrey.house.gov or emailing me at [email protected].

You may also follow me on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/RepPhilGingrey), Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/RepPhilGingrey), and Twitter, @repphilgingrey, (http://www.twitter.com/RepPhilGingrey) for live updates from Washington.

Dr. Gingrey is about as good as I can ask for with a Congressman.

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 10:25:31 AM EDT
That was a politician's way of skirting around whether he supports it or not.  I saw no hard stance in either direction there.
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