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Posted: 7/28/2011 7:25:02 PM EDT

The owner of a Tucson gun shop has been indicted on charges that he was making fully automatic machine guns and allowing people to buy guns for others in an act known as “straw purchases.”

Michael James Gesty, 46, was arrested Thursday by agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on a warrant issued as the result of a nine-count indictment, according to a press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Gesty’s gun shop, called Spartan Armory, is located in midtown Tucson at 5301 E. Speedway Blvd. It is also known as Black Wolf Weapons. The company’s website promoted Spartan Armory as “Tucson’s best choice for your self defense and survival needs.”

He is facing charges of making machine guns, making false statements on an application for a federal firearms license, making false statements during purchase of firearms, failure to keep records of firearm sales, and possession of firearms and ammunition by a drug user.

Rest is at the link.

Anybody got further details on this? An attempt to deflect attention from gunwalker?
Link Posted: 7/28/2011 7:35:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/28/2011 8:27:58 PM EDT
I bet we see ALOT more of this in the very near future. They are fighting for the life of their agency right now and they NEED arrests to try and justify their existence.... ATF is not going to quietly.


This part has me wondering...

Gesty, a federally licensed firearms dealer is a “habitual” marijuana user, according to the press release.

I think that's the first time I've ever read that in a press release regarding a licensed FFL who's been arrested.

I think the case is really, really weak, like the dealer in Phoenix that was arrested, .accused of cooperating with straw purchasers, lots of news reports...then the case got dropped since they couldn't prove he did anything wrong.

Edit: and I bet the MJ part was a shot across the bow against medical MJ here in AZ.

Link Posted: 7/28/2011 8:28:37 PM EDT
Fuck the ATF. I bet 10 dollars the dude did nothing wrong or he filled out paperwork wrong on accident.

They are even seizing shipments of toy guns now.

Link Posted: 7/28/2011 8:39:05 PM EDT

Good fuck that video makes my brain hurt

Link Posted: 7/28/2011 9:08:18 PM EDT
Fuck the ATF. I bet 10 dollars the dude did nothing wrong or he filled out paperwork wrong on accident.

They are even seizing shipments of toy guns now.


Or the BATF likely fucked up the paperwork, and is using the guy as an "example" to justify their budget.

Ever try to verify the history of a potential NFA purchase through the BATF?  Ha, good fucking luck!
I've seen more than one circumstance where the morons approved, more than once, transfers of questionable firearms, only to go after the current owner when they need to offer as a sacrifice to the DOJ god.
Link Posted: 7/29/2011 8:03:33 AM EDT
There is some drama to this case.  It takes deep pockets to fight something like this.  

Link Posted: 7/29/2011 8:06:57 AM EDT
What, no claims of child porn on his computer, or a Klan hood, or Nazi flag hanging in his garage?!  
Link Posted: 7/29/2011 8:18:50 AM EDT
What, no claims of child porn on his computer, or a Klan hood, or Nazi flag hanging in his garage?!  

That's coming up next. Need to demonize the person to secure a conviction? Use one of the above. Uh oh, gotta prove it? Burn the motherfucker to the ground. Dead men tell no tales.
Link Posted: 7/29/2011 3:21:55 PM EDT
Saw this comment under a second AZstarnet story:


Apparently the guy that has been charged caught a now former employee using a conversion book to convert legal Glock 17's into fully automatic Glock 18's. He fired the guy and then didn't bother reporting it to law enforcement. To save his own backside, the ex-employee told ATF that the accused was doing it. I'd suggest not jumping to conclusions until the trial. I've done a lot of business with Spartan Armory and never had any issues with them.


Anybody here done business with the him?
Link Posted: 7/29/2011 3:30:01 PM EDT
Saw this comment under a second AZstarnet story:


Apparently the guy that has been charged caught a now former employee using a conversion book to convert legal Glock 17's into fully automatic Glock 18's. He fired the guy and then didn't bother reporting it to law enforcement. To save his own backside, the ex-employee told ATF that the accused was doing it. I'd suggest not jumping to conclusions until the trial. I've done a lot of business with Spartan Armory and never had any issues with them.


Anybody here done business with the him?

ATF going after someone with evidence that thin?
My shocked face.
Link Posted: 7/29/2011 5:25:03 PM EDT
Did they find any USBP caps in his garage?

A pic of John Moses Browning under his bed perhaps?
Link Posted: 7/29/2011 7:06:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/29/2011 7:15:17 PM EDT
After all the audits Tucson gun dealers just experienced, it is apparent that this is all fallout from the fast and furious failure.
I don't know much about Spartan Guns, only that I was ripped off by Spartan Plumbing once (business are affiliated), but I'm sure there will be a lot more attempts to garner "positive" headlines.
Link Posted: 7/29/2011 8:33:32 PM EDT
Fuck the ATF. I bet 10 dollars the dude did nothing wrong or he filled out paperwork wrong on accident.

They are even seizing shipments of toy guns now.

"it can very easily be converted into a machine gun" he says as he puts the magazine in backwards.
fucking idiot

whatever, this will most likely bring more business to that shop, after the case gets thrown out due to lack of intelligence evidence
Link Posted: 7/29/2011 8:47:01 PM EDT
Fuck the ATF. I bet 10 dollars the dude did nothing wrong or he filled out paperwork wrong on accident.

They are even seizing shipments of toy guns now.

"it can very easily be converted into a machine gun" he says as he puts the magazine in backwards.
fucking idiot

whatever, this will most likely bring more business to that shop, after the case gets thrown out due to lack of intelligence evidence

A lot of what the ATF does is predicated on the people they charge not having the financial resources to lawyer up.
I do hope you're right though.
Link Posted: 7/29/2011 10:36:56 PM EDT
Fuck the ATF. I bet 10 dollars the dude did nothing wrong or he filled out paperwork wrong on accident.

They are even seizing shipments of toy guns now.

A lot of what the ATF does is predicated on the people they charge not having the financial resources to lawyer up.


I've known guys with high six figure MG collections that think they would be able to sell them off to fund a defense against bogus ATF charges,  when I explain to them that the ATF would be in possession of those assets it finally dawns on them how fucked they would be...

'Justice' becomes a business decision....
Link Posted: 7/29/2011 10:51:00 PM EDT


I've known guys with high six figure MG collections that think they would be able to sell them off to fund a defense against bogus ATF charges,  when I explain to them that the ATF would be in possession of those assets it finally dawns on them how fucked they would be...

'Justice' becomes a business decision....

There were more than a few instances in the 80's and 90's of the ATF  seizing NFA collections or dealer/manufacturer stock, and handling the property so badly that even if the accused won, the weapons in question were parts or scrap.
Provided they got them back at all. I faintly remember a series in the old Machine Gun News dealing with a case where the ATF went ahead and destroyed the "contraband" before the case was thrown out.
Sure the guy got a check (that you and I paid for) but I'm betting he'd have rather had his collection returned.

Link Posted: 7/30/2011 10:41:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/30/2011 3:39:43 PM EDT
An attorney who handles firearm litigation with a company called FFL guard and a friend of our family, has seen the indictment.

i have no idea whether this guy is guilty of not. i'm just reporting whats on the indictment.
the big stuff
9 unregistered converted to full auto FN PS90 rifles, each listed by SN#
4 unregistered converted to full auto WASR 10/63 AK47 rifles each listed by SN#

numerous straw sales
masking false statements to a federal agent
making false statements on the application for a FFL

Link Posted: 8/10/2011 5:05:47 PM EDT
Looks like ATF is being nice. They have allowed the lawyer for the owner of Spartan Armory to take possession of most(?) of the firearms inventory.

That inventory (apparently 200 firearms), has been consigned at Murphy's Gunshop.

They are priced to move; everything with a purple tag is a Spartan Armory gun. 30-day layaways only, so if you see a gun you want you can put money down on it to hold it...but you gotta buy it in 30 days.

I wanted a cheap .38, found a Charter Arms Undercover for $234 (gunbroker prices were around $100 more), and snatched it up. If you think the guy's getting a raw deal, buying one of these consignments helps the guy out.
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 5:54:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 6:14:26 PM EDT
That means he's surrendering his FFL... They probably didn't really have shit, but strong armed him into playing ball as part of a plea

Pretty much. If you can't afford the legal bills to tell them to FOAD, that's the common "offer".
ATF  needs to dry up and blow away.
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 8:02:34 PM EDT
Straw purchases are A OK as long as the ATF orchestrates them!!!
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