Most CLEOs typically will not sign a Form 4. It is getting harder and harder to get this which is a requirement for a class 3 weapon. A lot of times the CLEO does not undertand what they are being asked to sign or won't sign because of the politics due to the anti-gun climate.
If you are incorporated in any state, Texas for this board, you can legally transfer a class 3 weapon into your business as an asset. No fingerprints, photos or CLEO sign off is needed. Anyone who is an officer of the company can possess or shoot the weapon(s). You can be an INC or an LLC. I had a home based business for a few years and went through the LLC process a while back and the class 3 transfer was just a bonus! You should employ an attorney or go through one of the better web sites set up to assist you in getting your business incorportated. I got my LLC set up for under $600.
The class 3 dealer will need you Articles of Incorporation or Orgiznation (depending on if you have a INC or a LLC), a letter of good standing from the Texas Secretary of State (really simple once you get incorportated or organized you can print it off the website) and a check for the weapon you want to purchase.
Typically my understanding is that the person signing for the weapon has a background check by the BATF and the transfer is typically shorter that a transfer to an individual.
Any good class 3 dealer will be able to educate you in the who, what, when and wheres of getting a class 3 via the corporate route.