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Posted: 8/8/2011 6:16:46 AM EDT
Hello Florida, My MIL lives in Sarasota and is looking for MREs, and Nitro packed food, any places that carry it? Maybe a WallyWorld? Thanks Guy
Link Posted: 8/8/2011 6:47:57 AM EDT
the walmarts around here carry mountainhouse and the new coleman ones. mres will be in most army/navy stores. also dicks sporting goods and sports authority carry the mountain house.
Link Posted: 8/8/2011 6:49:26 AM EDT
I'd order on-line do be sure she got the freshest stuff available.


Also, if she knows any LDS folks, here's what they have available:  http://providentliving.org/content/display/0,11666,8133-1-4352-1,00.html
Link Posted: 8/8/2011 8:07:26 AM EDT
www.efoodsdirect.com <––––-my go to they have a 1 year deal on right now 30% off

good luck
Link Posted: 8/8/2011 10:04:57 AM EDT
Emergency Essentials has always done well for us.  She could get in a group buy for some bulk grains from a Bread Beckers co-op in her town.
Link Posted: 8/8/2011 11:18:19 AM EDT
I am nearly certain the LDS church has an enormous canning facility over there. The one in S Florida is tiny in comparison. I know a few LDS members and they will drive to "Tampa" and load up and come back.
Link Posted: 8/8/2011 4:35:45 PM EDT
Your tin foil hat is showing....  Market got you down?

Church of LDS has a handbook that is a sobering read.  That said, I stock up on the essentials in food, fuel, crowd control and batteries for hurricanes and the occasional race/class riot.


I have used the following to good effect:

The shelf life is 20-25 years, 1-2 years after opened.  Each can has 40+ servings and about 10 grams of protein.   Reconstitute and add 1/4 cup to a beans and rice dish for a better meal.

There are good reviews for these products and even video recipes on YouTube.

Link Posted: 8/9/2011 5:42:55 AM EDT
LOL, Thanks, she has plenty of tinfoil already. I am convincing her to stop reading about it and do something. I got her on the on line sources, but want something local..our wally worlds don;t carry shit...but there are many more sheep up here. She seems to be hooking into some 50-60 somthing hippie turned survivalist friends....
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 5:45:12 AM EDT
Your tin foil hat is showing....  Market got you down?

Church of LDS has a handbook that is a sobering read.  That said, I stock up on the essentials in food, fuel, crowd control and batteries for hurricanes and the occasional race/class riot.

Its amazing to me that many people will never see the need to have these things on hand at all times. We live in Fl and 6 months of the year, disaster can strike with as little as 2-3 days notice. My grandparents on both sides grew up during the great depression and instilled these basic preparatory ideas in my parents and my parents to me. Food, Fire, Fuel, Firearms.

Link Posted: 8/9/2011 12:25:40 PM EDT
I got it sort of from my parenets, they both went through the depression......MIL was a hippie, they didn;t get it, but she is coming around, to diverge, where is good near Sarasota to buy a decent used handgun? I am thinking of a .357 for her, start with .38 wadcutters and get used to it.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 3:35:33 AM EDT
Your tin foil hat is showing....  Market got you down?

Church of LDS has a handbook that is a sobering read.  That said, I stock up on the essentials in food, fuel, crowd control and batteries for hurricanes and the occasional race/class riot.

Its amazing to me that many people will never see the need to have these things on hand at all times. We live in Fl and 6 months of the year, disaster can strike with as little as 2-3 days notice. My grandparents on both sides grew up during the great depression and instilled these basic preparatory ideas in my parents and my parents to me. Food, Fire, Fuel, Firearms.

They are waiting for their Obama check.  The trend is growing, people think government will take care of them.  Look at the UK and Wisconsin right now.
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