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Posted: 4/20/2007 6:05:26 AM EDT
From the Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne:

...What would the NRA's objection be to a law requiring gun dealers to establish whether a potential buyer is a student and, if so, to inform (or even get permission from) the student's high school or college before any weapons could be sold? What about raising the minimum age for purchasing a gun to 25 or 30? Why not renew the ban on the sale of assault weapons?
Why not create a national bipartisan commission that would propose ways -- including, but not limited to, sane gun laws -- to push back our culture of violence?

One more question: Why are our politicians still cowering before the gun lobby after Virginia Tech?


NOTE - the online version drastically differs from this mornings print version where Mr. Dionne states "that even if none of these proposed gun restrictions would have prevented the VT shooting, aren't these restrictions just common sense?"

ALSO - The NRA and John Dingell are tasked by Pelosi to come up with a bill by next Tuesday:

Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) and the NRA reportedly are nearing an agreement "to bolster the national background-check system and potentially block gun purchases by the mentally ill."

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