It seems some woman who lives in the vicinity of Whittakers range has succeeded in getting it closed least temporarily.
I was in the store today and it seems that the Davies County Council has shut it down pending the outcome of a string of hearings over a technicality. Seems the old bag owns the property adjoining Whittakers on the down range side.
Seems that she said she has a petition to close the range with the names of 77 neighbors on it. Whittaker told me that he has spoken to several of those people and they told him that they NEVER SIGNED any petition. A couple of them even moved there because it was close to the range.
I was told it's over 2800 yards from the firing line to her property line. Nothing shoots that far short of military munitions! Nothing .50 cal or under will make 2800 yds. Ain't gonna go through the berms anyways.
The range has been there for 14 years and should be grandfathered in. One NRA range specialist went to a hearing but the biddys attorney said that he was a 'friend' of Whittakers.
The next hearing is scheduled for March 3rd and an NRA Range Specialist is flying in as an expert witness on Whittakers behalf.
If any of you can make the hearing in Owensboro on May 3 I urge you to go and lend your support. Whittakers is the only 300 yd range in the area!! We can't afford to loose it!!!