Police are public servants. And having the servants better armed than the masters is not a good idea.
If there were North Hollywood type shooting happening on a regular basis, or if the police where battling heavily armed drug cartels like in South America, then maybe we could revisit this question, & ask it again. But we don't have these problems here in North America in Anytown, USA. We just don't need Spec Ops cops.
I do agree that police are public servants, but I have no idea what planet you live on (California? Chicago?) where you think that a LEO having a patrol rifle chambered in .223 or .308 is them being better armed than society (the masters). Especially in Arizona, I would think that you would realize that this is more of
A) them leveling the playing field when they are usually outgunned
B) making it possible for them to better serve the public when confronting an active shooter or someone who poses an imminent threat to others, by being able to neutralize the threat in a more efficient manner.
Shotguns do not replace patrol rifles, and patrol rifles do not replace shotguns. I think that in a perfect world, all LEOs would have a sidearm, shotgun, and rifle. There are many times, especially in rural communities, where a LEO will be solo in a situation for an extended period of time and has to take action or hold their own. SWAT call outs are not a quick solution in most situations, backup is not always readily available. North Hollywood, Columbine, Aurora, and Newtown type shooting are thankfully not always happening in our society, but wouldn't you feel more secure knowing that the public servants are better equipped to serve you, your family, your friends, and your community?
I am not saying that LEOs should be better armed than society, I am saying that they should be equally armed to serve us all, as well as protect themselves. None of this is militarizing our LEOs, it is merely giving them the same tools and equipment that we all are privy to. Militarizing our LEOs would be issuing 240Gs, M2s, and Strykers, when the citizens are not able to have the same....
We can agree to disagree though