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Posted: 9/29/2005 7:48:14 AM EDT
Just wanted all you Texans to know.  Natural gas, which powers about 60% of our generation in Texas is going insane.  Currently, the 1 yr strip is at an all time high, of 12.46

EVERY utility is or will be  raising it's rates.  TXU's last quarterly report showed their retail group only making about 2% profit, and they estimate that many other retailers are losing money.  They are correct in that.

With gas at historically high levels, be prepared for some shocking electricity bills.  

The purpose of this post is not to tell you to switch to my Electric Company (but you should), but no matter who you are, if you have not switched, do it now.  There are 3 or 4 that set their rates at an automatic 8-10% below the incumbant utility.  So, if you are in houston, do not be on Reliant.  If you are in Dallas, do not be on TXU.  It's funny, but both of these companies have lower rates in each others territories than they do their own.

Anyway, unless you are in a municapl or co-op type utility, get yourself switched.  (and stay away from the green stuff, it is more expensive than the incumbant).

For more information, go to:   www.powertochoose.org

Or, feel free to ask me here.

Also, pretty sure someone in the Texas group,  (won't say who, but he is gay, as a hint) has a thread about switching in the EE under everything else.

Link Posted: 9/29/2005 8:21:32 AM EDT
Interesting point. I didn't realize that so many companies rely on natural gas for electricity.

I disagree about your assessment of "green" energy companies. I'm the furthest thing from an environmental whacko, but their energy costs should remain the same since they don't rely on expensive fuels.

I'll be keeping an eye on this.
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 8:30:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 4:08:52 PM EDT
My meter was just replaced because it was WAY OUT OF CAL and could not be calibrated!  I wonder how many months back they will go to give me credit.  I wonder when the meter came out of cal?  I also am afraid this has been an issue for years - they always blamed the natural gas prices, but my meter was was out of whack and my estimated bill should be 220, not 350....
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 6:38:58 PM EDT
Hmmm, just taking a look at the rates, its only $10/month difference between what I have (TXU) and the lowest Gexa Energy Power Plan.


Is really worth it to switch?
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 7:07:07 PM EDT

Hmmm, just taking a look at the rates, its only $10/month difference between what I have (TXU) and the lowest Gexa Energy Power Plan.


Is really worth it to switch?

I looked at the difference and heck if I am worried about 10 bucks a month...I'm broke already
Maybe if it were at least the cost of a decent meal per month I might change, but hey thats just me.
Link Posted: 9/29/2005 7:28:34 PM EDT
Hey - it all adds up guys.

I switched to Cirro - for me in 75075, it comes out to about $20 a month on my bill.  Thats $20, every month, I can spend on something else, for doing NOTHING.

There is NO REASON not to switch, it only takes a simple phone call.... after a year its like someone handing you $250 for doing nothing but being smart.

Link Posted: 9/30/2005 3:43:03 AM EDT

Interesting point. I didn't realize that so many companies rely on natural gas for electricity.

I disagree about your assessment of "green" energy companies. I'm the furthest thing from an environmental whacko, but their energy costs should remain the same since they don't rely on expensive fuels.

I'll be keeping an eye on this.

Well, common sense and the electricity market never did make a good match.

Just so you know, most of the wind power in Texas is stuck in west texas, as we don't have enough transmission to move it to the load.  Guess what fuel is used to supply your electricity, from the GREEN companies.  That's right, natural gas.

AND, even if the price of the wind is free (what happens when the wind doesn't blow?)  The value of a MW is the same, regardless of the cost.  Since we are no longer regulated, the charge the same price as gas, and the capital cost per MW of capacity is much higher than an efficient natural gas plant.  Add on to that the fact that idiots will pay more to say they use green power, and trust me when I tell you about green power.  One last thing, even if you did buy green power, do you really think the electrons you are using in your house came from a windmill in west texas, when there is a natual gas plant 10 miles from your house?

Link Posted: 9/30/2005 3:43:54 AM EDT

My meter was just replaced because it was WAY OUT OF CAL and could not be calibrated!  I wonder how many months back they will go to give me credit.  I wonder when the meter came out of cal?  I also am afraid this has been an issue for years - they always blamed the natural gas prices, but my meter was was out of whack and my estimated bill should be 220, not 350....

file a complaint with the PUC

EVERY complaint must be answered within something like 5 days.

Do it.

Link Posted: 9/30/2005 3:50:11 AM EDT

Hmmm, just taking a look at the rates, its only $10/month difference between what I have (TXU) and the lowest Gexa Energy Power Plan.


Is really worth it to switch?

well the only effect you would even see is that you write out your $10 smaller check to a different company.  nothing else changes.

Link Posted: 9/30/2005 4:34:52 AM EDT


Interesting point. I didn't realize that so many companies rely on natural gas for electricity.

I disagree about your assessment of "green" energy companies. I'm the furthest thing from an environmental whacko, but their energy costs should remain the same since they don't rely on expensive fuels.

I'll be keeping an eye on this.

Well, common sense and the electricity market never did make a good match.

Just so you know, most of the wind power in Texas is stuck in west texas, as we don't have enough transmission to move it to the load.  Guess what fuel is used to supply your electricity, from the GREEN companies.  That's right, natural gas.

AND, even if the price of the wind is free (what happens when the wind doesn't blow?)  The value of a MW is the same, regardless of the cost.  Since we are no longer regulated, the charge the same price as gas, and the capital cost per MW of capacity is much higher than an efficient natural gas plant.  Add on to that the fact that idiots will pay more to say they use green power, and trust me when I tell you about green power.  One last thing, even if you did buy green power, do you really think the electrons you are using in your house came from a windmill in west texas, when there is a natual gas plant 10 miles from your house?

Like I said - I'm not an environmentalist. I couldn't care less where it comes from. It's just that *IF* they claim that they're 100% wind and water, and that this is what their pricing model is based on, then it *ought* to remain the same price.

If it were up to me, I'd build fast breeder-type nuclear reactors all over the place.
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 4:53:43 AM EDT
although WE know better, hydro is not classified as "Green" power.  Green power is a legal area in which you get renewable energy credits, as well as tax breaks.

The REC's are require to be purchased by everyone in the market, at a specific load ratio share.  Therefore, everyone has some "green" power.

It's all bullshit for that matter.

AND NO ONE is all hydro and wind.  Period.


ETA, and you are correct, put a nuke in every city.

Link Posted: 9/30/2005 9:11:00 AM EDT
I just got my electric bill last night, and OUCH!  $222... which is higher than ever for Sept.  But it's been hotter than normal too.

I'm no enviro-wacko, but I don't like pollution, and I do think we need more nuclear power.  
Link Posted: 9/30/2005 1:10:07 PM EDT

I just got my electric bill last night, and OUCH!  $222... which is higher than ever for Sept.  But it's been hotter than normal too.

I'm no enviro-wacko, but I don't like pollution, and I do think we need more nuclear power.  

those are not mutually exclusive
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 2:49:12 PM EDT
People - this is a good deal.  I got my bill, now I can prove it.

I was a little freaked out, because I didnt realize that Cirro has a base customer charge of $9.95, while TXU base charge is only $5.34.  

Also, taxes under Cirro appear to be much higher than taxes under TXU.  A $200 TXU bill carried $2.00 in taxes, where under Cirro they are $6.  I dont understand this part.

However, the bottom line is the bottom line - how much is my bill reduced by switching?

I used 1748 kwh this month.  Using my last three TXU bills as a guide, and not including base customer charges or taxes, I would have paid $0.1191 per kwh under TXU.  Cirro was $0.1003.  Let's see how that breaks down for both companies at 1748kwh of usage:

1748 * $0.1191 = $208.19  (energy charges)
$5.34 (base customer charge)
$2.10 (sales taxes)
$215.63 TXU bill

1748 * $0.1003 = $175.32
$9.95 (base customer charge)
$5.99 (sales taxes)
$191.26 Cirro bill

I saved $24.37 with Cirro this month.... for doing nothing but choosing to pay them for my electric service.

Any questions?
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 3:05:14 PM EDT

1748 * $0.1003 = $175.32
$9.95 (base customer charge)
$5.99 (sales taxes)
$191.26 Cirro bill


Garland Light

862 * $.09850 = $84.91
no base customer charge
1% sales tax  $0.85

Link Posted: 10/6/2005 4:36:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 4:38:30 PM EDT

Yeah, one.  A nuturer posted that he would stay with TXU because one of his relative worked at TXU, and he would support TXU by staying.  Wonder what changes his view?
 I'll change for sure the sec. I get around to it.

Did you do a search or do you actually remember that?
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 4:40:52 PM EDT


1748 * $0.1003 = $175.32
$9.95 (base customer charge)
$5.99 (sales taxes)
$191.26 Cirro bill


Garland Light

862 * $.09850 = $84.91
no base customer charge
1% sales tax  $0.85


Well - those costs are similar to Cirro.... but how do you only use 862 kwh last month?????
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 4:46:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 5:08:41 PM EDT
....and all the while TXU gives it's top executives $16 million in bonuses while raising our rates!!! TXU and their exec's are raping us all!!!

Link Posted: 10/6/2005 5:46:34 PM EDT

Wonder what changes his view?

So - to answer your question.... FALARAK talked to said relative.... and after much discussion, FALARAK learns, loyalty to TXU means nothing to them.  They arent the same company they used to be.
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 7:13:27 PM EDT


Well - those costs are similar to Cirro.... but how do you only use 862 kwh last month?????

 Lots of effort.  I changed out the thermostat to an electronic one that I could schedule when it would come on and off.  Complete new siding on the house with both rigid foam and fiberglass insulation.  Replacing all the blown in insulation in the other walls and attic with a high quality (pink) fiberglass insulation.  Installing a solar powered thermostat controlled attic vent fan. Insulating all the interior walls and vent ducts, replacing all the windows with new Low E glass.  Turning off stuff that isn't needed, doing actual full loads of laundry and a  tankless water heater.

 Mind you, I also have a plasma cutter capable of cutting 1¼" mild steel and a mig welder in the shop and they get used about every other weekend.

 We've spent about $22,000 in improvements to the house.  I don't think I'll ever recover the costs through electricity savings....probably won't unless we sell the house.  The biggest improvements came from the attic vent, programmable thermostat and tankless water heater.

 Before we started any work on the house, it was not unusual to see the electric bill well over $400.

Link Posted: 10/6/2005 8:16:07 PM EDT
I did the Cirro switch, and just checked our last quarter of bills against the current TXU charges.
Saved $85 compared to TXU or the equal value of 17 boxes of 9mm.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 5:10:50 AM EDT
I just switched online to Cirro, going with what a few of you guys already have.

It took 5 mins to fill the info out..

Screw you TXU..now the bastered want a 24% increase !!

Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:12:30 AM EDT


Wonder what changes his view?

So - to answer your question.... FALARAK talked to said relative.... and after much discussion, FALARAK learns, loyalty to TXU means nothing to them.  They arent the same company they used to be.

That is no lie.  6 yrs ago, prices in the wholesale market were insane.  We're talking $1000's and up.  TXU had excess power but would only sell to a few companies.  My old one was one of them.  They would sell to us at $300-400, but only with the condition that we sold it to another utility who was in need, and did not mark it up more than $100.  They did not want to be part of the raping that was going on. On normal days, when the market in TX was above $100, they would sell everything, pushing the market down, because they thought $100 was way to high.  Now, they are the cause of prices well over $300 many times.

They have new leadership, and his only goal is to crush the market.

Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:10:08 AM EDT
In response to Kevins Tax issue.

The cirro bill shows the line item tax.  It contains City Tax, PUC Tax, and Gross Receipts tax.

TXU's bill only line items the city tax, and the other two taxes are included in their rate.

Link Posted: 10/7/2005 2:35:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:44:03 AM EDT
My electric meter was replaced last month because it was so out of whack that it could not be  calibrated - apparently, all along, I have been spending close to $100 per month (average) extra because the meter was faulty - since it was installed 77 months ago....I do not know if it was scaled or offset wrong but it measured consistently (may'01 = may'02 = may'05....etc) for the past 6.5 years.  I am waiting on full investigation and modeling of home and neighbors to see how much credit they will offer me.

I estimate in the $7000s at the lowest, but we shall see.  I have already contacted TXU, the PUC, and an attorney.

FYI: They will come out and check/recalibrate your meter for FREE every 3-4 years.  If it has not been that long, you *may* be charged like $21.

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