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Posted: 7/27/2011 5:22:09 AM EDT
Hey everyone, I have a couple questions and would appreciate some advice.  I started my pistol permit application in Dutchess last august with a friend.  We waited the now normal (for here) 6 months just to hand in our applications and were told 3-4 months after we submitted and were printed.  We both did that on march 14th. He received his permit last Wednesday (July 20th) and I have received nothing.  I heard from another guy who submitted his paperwork on march 28th and he received his permit last Friday (July 22nd).  I tried calling the office to ask if mine had a problem and no one ever answers the phone.  I emailed them and all I was told was that it was at the judge waiting to be signed and they couldn't tell me anything else.  Should I be concerned at this point that my paperwork might be misplaced?  Am I being penalized for emailing them and asking a question?  Ii this normal and am I worrying over nothing?  If anyone has and advice Id greatly appreciate it.
Link Posted: 7/27/2011 6:09:41 AM EDT
Don't be concerned at this point.
Link Posted: 7/27/2011 6:21:07 AM EDT
Don't be concerned at this point.

+1... its a wait process just hang in there.
Link Posted: 7/27/2011 6:29:05 AM EDT
these pile up on a judges desk or aide's desk and they sign them when they get a round to it. if the judge goes on vacation for 2 weeks or is busy with other stuff, they don't move forward. hang in there. you've been patient already , another couple weeks isn't going to matter now. I have heard stories of people complaining about the wait and guess what -some paperwork gets lost or misplaced. in NY you are at the mercy of the Judge and clerk when it comes to your permit.
Link Posted: 7/27/2011 6:32:47 AM EDT
WTF would you have to wait six months to "hand in" your application?

"We waited the now normal (for here) 6 months just to hand in our applications"
Link Posted: 7/27/2011 10:23:42 AM EDT


WTF would you have to wait six months to "hand in" your application?

"We waited the now normal (for here) 6 months just to hand in our applications"

A friend of mine up there just went thru the process. They are now so backlogged you need an appointment to submit the paperwork and get printed.

For him the silver lining was the officer went thru all his paperwork, caught two screwups, and gave him a chance to fix em and return the paperwork that day.

He is now waiting on his permit. He picked up the application in January, finished his paperwork in Feb, then called to know when he could drop it off, and was given an appointment in JUNE.


Link Posted: 7/27/2011 10:55:12 AM EDT
Thanks for the advice everyone.  I can understand my buddies going through first and there being a delayon mine, I just cant figure out how someone submitted their paperwork 2 weeks after me got their permit already and I didnt.  

I just spoke with a gun shop owner and he said give it till the end of the week, then go in person and ask nicely.  I feel like that might be a bad idea.  Thoughts?

Apparently back in 2009 or 2010 they had a large increase in the amount of people applying for a permit and had personel cuts the same time.  According to them everything is back up so when you call to make an appointment to hand in your paperwork you end up waiting about 6 months.  Im also told it takes up to 2 month to add a pistol to your license.
Link Posted: 7/27/2011 11:17:24 AM EDT
That stinks.  Those wait times are horrible
Link Posted: 8/1/2011 12:54:36 PM EDT
UPDATE: 8/1 - stopped in to the pistol department and my letter of acceptance was siting on their desk waiting to be mailed.  I was all approved so I was able to pick up my card right there.  10 and a half months from the day I setup my appointment to submit to get my unrestricted permit.  Went to the gun shop, bought my pistol, and submitted it to be added to my permit.  Now I have to wait 4 weeks to get my serial number added to the permit so I can pickup my handgun.
Link Posted: 8/1/2011 2:02:43 PM EDT
I guess I never knew how good I have it in Delaware County.  I don't remember how long I waited, but it wasn't that long, maybe 3-4 months.  No wait to submit.  They give you the coupons up front, you can walk out of the store with your pistol, and drive to the clerk's office to have it added.  No restrictions for anyone over 25 (old judge didn't put restrictions for anyone at all).
Link Posted: 8/1/2011 7:39:49 PM EDT
there are literally 2 people running the permit office in Dutchess and they move at 2 speeds... slow and stop.

edit- oh and don't you love that you wait months for the judge to sign your permit, then you finally get it, and then you have to wait another month for the judge to sign the amendment?  like what the fuck do they think you're going to do with a pistol permit?

Link Posted: 8/9/2011 4:36:05 PM EDT
UPDATE:  Received my new permit in the mail today and finally took home my first pistol.  One week and one day to add the pistol is much better than the 4 weeks I was told.  Just shy of 11 months to complete the whole process here.  Thanks everyone for the advice.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 4:59:16 AM EDT
Does Dutchess still issue permits with no restrictions? When I lived there back in the 80's they did.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:22:41 AM EDT


Does Dutchess still issue permits with no restrictions? When I lived there back in the 80's they did.
From my associates that live there, they say yes.


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