Patrick, that is a NICE one! A friend mounted a 14 pointer - atypical rack - back around 1983. Shot not too far from where I got the one that is pictured.
I've killed a nice 12 pointer but not near the spread or mass of the one I did mount. And two eight pointers that have my "dust collector" beat in mass, spread, and length. Somehow having a wall full of deer heads doesn't appeal to me anymore. I never even mounted the 5x5 bull elk I shot. I have one mount, and two sets of antlers hanging in my office. One is the biggest deer my dad shot, the other a nice 9 point my son killed with a bow in 2000.
And two rainbow trout that my wife and I caught almost at the same instant.
One strutting tom that Matthew shot in 2004, 11 in beard, also resides in the house.
And beacoup of antlers, some in the garage, some in attic, and a few in my son's closet.
But the one thing I do most cherish about my "dust collector" was the smile on my father's face when I came back with the truck to get the deer. He was standing over the deer with a huge smile on his face, just as proud of me as he had ever been. For that reason alone, my "dust collector" is a precious belonging.