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Page Hometown » Iowa
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Posted: 1/20/2009 4:26:38 PM EDT
.........let you buy a long gun without the NCIS check?
Link Posted: 1/20/2009 4:35:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/20/2009 6:14:58 PM EDT
Thanks.  I thought so but wasn't sure.
Link Posted: 1/20/2009 7:25:42 PM EDT
At most places, If I remember right places like Dunham's sports still make you go through the whole shabang.
Link Posted: 1/20/2009 8:27:06 PM EDT
So thats why WW Guns didn't do a NICS check on me when I bought my pistol lower, here I thought there actually was a gun show loop hole.
Link Posted: 1/21/2009 12:26:17 PM EDT
At most places, If I remember right places like Dunham's sports still make you go through the whole shabang.

If some business is still going to make me go through the whole process after I've already been cleared by the sheriff for a purchase permit, then I'll be shopping elsewhere.
Link Posted: 1/22/2009 5:15:48 PM EDT
You don't need a permit to acquire long guns.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 11:04:10 PM EDT
No but it does expedite the whole process.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 12:37:28 AM EDT
In the same token, a permit to carry concealed also does the same; no need for a seperate permit to purchase.
Page Hometown » Iowa
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