I have sold a few things there and fortunately wound up being people I know from other boards. You will also get some scammers and criminals trying to buy and I only sell to someone with a ccw and b.o.s.. There have been a few instances where some people have been threatened and harassed by a few of the idiots. I responded to one ad a little while back wanting to inquire about something and the guy started sending me threatening messages. If you sign up for the sight, there is a spot on there where you can choose where the messages go- to your email or to the website mail. I chose website mail and answer questions through there before sending messages from my email account,(although they still come to your home email account but you don't have to answer them from there). I also don't give any of my personal info. out either in an ad-like a phone number. There are some people out there who just want to give you a hard time and ruin it for the rest of us. From my experience,Armslist is just as bad.