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Posted: 2/1/2011 9:38:31 AM EDT
You have been warned.

Link Posted: 2/1/2011 9:51:49 AM EDT
You have been warned.

YOUR state has illegal gun problems because of other states?!  Fix YOUR state then asshole!  Stop letting them in!

These fucking liberals think they can control everything.  And that pisses me off.  How many times do you have to say it?


That is why we make it easy for good guys to get them so they can defend themselves from bad guys.

Just because you make laws doesn't mean shit.  The law says 70mph on the highway.  The only time I'm ever below 70 is when I'm accelerating to get past 70mph.

Laws do nothing other than set a PUNISHMENT for your actions.  They DO NOT stop people from acting!
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 11:03:06 AM EDT
I warned you.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 12:49:46 PM EDT
F&%k Bloomberg and the useless bastards at the AP.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 1:29:04 PM EDT
dude. why you gotta make me read this stuff on my snow day??  I was a happy girl a minute ago.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 2:18:47 PM EDT
dude. why you gotta make me read this stuff on my snow day??  I was a happy girl a minute ago.

Lol. You were adequately warned.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 2:45:24 PM EDT
talk about a waste of taxpayers money. here is a link to the same story from the blaze with video and reader comments.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 2:50:22 PM EDT
Please God, don't let Bloomberg run for president.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 6:42:08 PM EDT
Please God, don't let Bloomberg run for president.

I say let that Bastard run for president.  He should be in the pen for all this foolishness.Then he'll have  to give up being mayor and then we cancel his ass off the presidential campaign1 Then he won't be Mayor or President and we'll be rid of his ass. Also, I think gun show patrons whould call out somebody like that when they encounter them. Embarass them and run them off.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 7:46:54 PM EDT
Fnck those fncking fnck fnckers!

The idea that they made sure to purchase a Glock 19 and the 33 round high cap magazine (just so they could try and ride the AZ shooting wave) makes me want to rip off their mouse sized balls.

It would be only fitting if the B.A.T.F.E. went after these morons for "interfering in a official investigation".

From the story...

Jim Cavanaugh, a retired agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, where he was in charge of the Nashville division, said he didn't believe the sales described by the mayor were, in fact, illegal.

"It's not a prosecutable offense" (To the sellers) because the purchasers were not truly felons, minors or drug abusers and because they didn't tell the sellers definitively that they were, Cavanaugh said. As for Bloomberg, he said,
"ATF has asked him not to do it and to please coordinate with ATF if he thinks a violation is occurring."

So who exactly paid all the $$$ to fly everyone out to AZ and back for this dog & pony show?
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 8:18:49 PM EDT
Quoted: So who exactly paid all the $$$ to fly everyone out to AZ and back for this dog & pony show?

That's exactly what I was wondering after reading the story. Did Mikey pay for it out of his own pocket? or did he use his hometown tax payer money? Go study what New York, city and state, have been up to; it's not hard to see why he objects to firearms so much. Taxing everything, telling people how much salt they can eat, keeping fast-food restaurants from building in minority areas, etc. Dictators do not like firearms.  I wonder how fast Egypt would have seen change if they'd had a Second Amendment. That's the line in the sand in this country, and people like Mikey know it. Once they've removed the ability of people to defend their themselves, their property, and their other rights, the tyranny they'll bring in will be Lord of The Rings'ish.


Have you guys see this video? Be warned, it will piss you off.
Link Posted: 2/2/2011 2:44:10 AM EDT
Bloomberg......gargle my balls  
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