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Posted: 10/20/2016 5:39:44 PM EDT
Hey, I have a moron nagant that my buddy wants to buy from me, but he doesn't have a permit or certificate, could I legally sell him the rifle, and if so, what is the process that I would have to go by to be within the law?
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 6:23:17 PM EDT
He would have to get a Long Gun Cert.  

I don't actually know anyone that has one though, people generally just get their pistol permit.

I feel so much safer knowing that you couldn't possibly sell him a rifle without going through that process.
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 6:41:16 PM EDT
When did you buy the gun in question?
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 7:10:01 PM EDT
Legally he can't buy that gun until he has a Pistol Permit or Eligibility certificate for Pistol or Long Guns.

My son got his Long gun cert when he turned 18. If you are over 21 get your pistol permit.

EDIT: You need to call the state to get an authorization number. You will need to fill out the DPS-3C and have 4 copies. One each to buyer, seller, State Police and one to police department in purchaser's town. You will also need a DPS-67C and the seller keeps that.
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 7:18:15 PM EDT
... but he doesn't have a permit or certificate, could I legally sell him the rifle, ...
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No you cannot legally sell him the rifle or any other long gun. The general procedure since 4/4/13 for all face to face (non retail) sales of long guns within CT is as follows:

For long guns:
  1. The buyer cannot be prohibited from possessing firearms (long guns).
  2. If buying/selling a “preban” long gun, buyer should present to the seller a letter from the firearm manufacturer attesting to the manufacture date being prior to September 13, 1994. (Note: SLFU opinion)
  3. Buyer must present the seller one of the following; a valid long gun eligibility certificate, a valid permit to carry a pistol or revolver, a valid permit to sell at retail a pistol or revolver, or a valid eligibility certificate for a pistol or revolver.
  4. Call DESPP ((860) 685-8400, or 1-(888) 335-8438) for an authorization number.
  5. The seller fills out three separate DPS-3-C forms. Sends one to the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. Sends one to the chief of police or the warden of the borough or the first selectman, of the town in which the buyer resides. And the seller retains the last one for at least five years. Note: It is recommended one fill out a fourth DPS-3-C and give it to the buyer even though the statutes don't require it for long guns.
If the buyer doesn't have; a valid long gun eligibility certificate, a valid permit to carry a pistol or revolver, a valid permit to sell at retail a pistol or revolver, or a valid eligibility certificate for a pistol or revolver then they cannot purchase a long gun in this state.
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 7:20:10 PM EDT
Thanks guys, bought the mosin in in 2011
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 7:41:10 PM EDT
Too bad you didn't sell it to him in 2012 when nobody would have ever even known.
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 7:54:29 PM EDT
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Too bad you didn't sell it to him in 2012 when nobody would have ever even known.
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Yeah, too bad.......
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 8:53:21 PM EDT
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Yeah, too bad.......
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Too bad you didn't sell it to him in 2012 when nobody would have ever even known.

Yeah, too bad.......

yeah assuming he was 18 in 2012 that would have been no issue
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 9:37:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 9:49:52 PM EDT
I wish I had my c&r when they were 70 bucks
Link Posted: 10/21/2016 12:48:35 AM EDT
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I wish I had my c&r when they were 70 bucks
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I didn't k ow Mosins fell into that category. I got mine for $120
Link Posted: 10/21/2016 5:04:30 AM EDT
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I didn't k ow Mosins fell into that category. I got mine for $120
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I wish I had my c&r when they were 70 bucks

I didn't k ow Mosins fell into that category. I got mine for $120

$88.00 for mine from BMG
Link Posted: 10/21/2016 6:48:03 AM EDT
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I wish I had my c&r when they were 70 bucks
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i got mine as a stocking stuffer from my wife a few years ago
Link Posted: 10/21/2016 9:09:42 AM EDT
Yeah, too bad none of us realized that our ability to deal with each other without the NANNY state involving themselves was going to end so abruptly.  So many of the other states still allow it just as it had been for ever.

I'd like to take a bit of umbrage calling that old battle rifle a "Moron".  It's Moisen Nagant, as you know. There have been estimates that there were over 60 MILLION of them made and put into the field with well over one billion rounds of ammo.  That number eclipses ANYTHING that the USA has put into the battle field.  Ungainly, not really beautiful, and certainly way too long especially with the bayo on, it was an accurate rifle used my some famous snipers over the century.  You go to the middle east and guarantee you'll find those same rifles on the backs of the local peasants with a bandoleer of old 762 x 54 ammo worn as a sash.  That's saying something.  Not picking on you at all, btw, just giving an old greasy soldier its due.

Link Posted: 10/21/2016 9:25:15 AM EDT
Pay for one?  Ya couldn't give one of those ugly Mosin thingys.  They look like an old street hooker with a crack addiction.

Link Posted: 10/21/2016 1:07:38 PM EDT
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Pay for one?  Ya couldn't give one of those ugly Mosin thingys.  They look like an old street hooker with a crack addiction.

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Link Posted: 10/21/2016 3:01:44 PM EDT
I'll add this, too.  You don't see Hillary or Anyone, for that matter, wanting to ban them, right?  When the rest of the guns around the world will be outlawed and gathering dust, the ubiquitous MN family of rifles will still be shooting from all four corners of the world.

And, no, I will not pick a fight!  LOL
Link Posted: 10/22/2016 6:34:37 AM EDT
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I wish I had my c&r when they were 70 bucks
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Back in the late 90s, they cost $35 a piece. Turk Mausers were $39, with a free bayonet and bandolier of ammo. (Those guns were not refurb'ed either) M-39s started at like $99.

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