Denver Post
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Creek shooting range gets new lease on life
By Charlie Meyers,1413,36%257E24761%257E1356770,00.html?search=filter#
Target shooters have dodged a very large bullet over the threatened closure of Cherry Creek Shooting Center, the only such facility still in operation in the Denver metro area.
An eleventh-hour deal brokered Friday by the administration of Gov. Bill Owens will keep the range, located on the south side of Cherry Creek State Park near the intersection of East Belleview Avenue and Jordan Road, operating under existing access arrangements for the next year.
The Jordan Road entrance, the route by which shooters traditionally have entered the park, would have closed Wednesday under a regional traffic plan. A closure would have forced users to access the range through one of the two main park entrances, requiring either a $50 season parks pass or a $7 daily fee. The park currently gets $1 for each shooter that visits the range, a fee collected by the shooting center.
"It doesn't make any sense for our customers to pay a $7 entry fee to shoot a $4 round of trap," said Peggy Duckworth, who operates the range with her husband Allan.
Tim Pollard, deputy director for wildlife and parks in the Department of Natural Resources, agrees.
"Paying a $7 access fee just doesn't work. That's way out of range," said Pollard, who suggested some compromise between the prices when a new lease goes into effect.
"We'll let the public tell us what they're willing to pay," Pollard said. "We're looking for public input on the issue."
Pollard emphasized there was no intent to harm the center's business while recognizing a conflict in certain documents involved in what has amounted to a 10-year contract between the Duckworths and Cherry Creek State Park. In keeping with parks policy, the shooting concession is coming up for bid. The Duckworths must compete with other potential competitors to keep the range.
Pollard passed off the dispute as a simple disagreement over the renegotiated contract.
"The Duckworths had one interpretation, some parks staffers had another," he said.
Peggy Duckworth suggested the park, always reaching for added revenue, was playing hardball in trying to reroute shooters through the main gates, even after a more amenable arrangement had been negotiated six months ago.
The ultimate challenge will come in developing some sort of identification system to separate shooting center clients from other park users when the entry changes are made next year. Meanwhile, the agreement to keep the quarter-mile Jordan Road link open for a year hinges on the concurrence of the town of Greenwood Village.
"We've asked Mayor David Phifer to honor the agreement," Pollard said.
Cherry Creek Shooting Center offers target shooting for rifles, pistols and shotguns. Hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday.