Rallies can be good for the public to see if they are done right, although the media loves to depict the guys who show up at pro 2A rallies as a bunch of unhinged whack-jobs.
The thing is that most lawmakers are not all that impressed by what people are shouting outside on the capitol lawn. They know that most protestors are just the same group of people who will complain about anything, probably don't vote anyway, and might not even be residents of the state. Obviously that doesn't exactly apply to pro-2A protestors, but lawmakers are so accustomed to just ignoring the people with bullhorns that really don't pay any more attention to the anti-2A protestors than they pay to the pro-2A protestors. Unless you show up with an AK and a chest-rig. Then you get payed attention to as a "scary unhinged whack-job" by the lawmakers that don't know much about guns beyond what they hear from the well-funded anti-2a lobby.
Personal correspondence with a lawmaker is many times more effective than a rally. And I don't mean the form emails that you can send from some web site with 3000 other people.
If you can start a one-on-one conversation with your lawmaker about this stuff you will be amazed at what kind of changes you can make. You'll also be amazed at the stuff they don't know about until you tell them. There are a couple guys on this forum that have done a really excellent job of this over the past couple years with the suppressor and SBR stuff.
I'm not saying rallies are a waste of time. I might even attend the one on 1/13, but I'm also going to be out looking for ways to speak with my representatives more directly about the topic.