You need 2 people to sign the app ass "caracter witness", they can't live at your address, or be related to you, that kinda sucked for me, because I don't know any people who are really gun people and I kinda wanted to be discreet about it, I ended up having a waitress and a cook at 2 restaurants I frequent sign it. I didn't want my fruit cake co-workers seeing it.
Anyways, after the class, after the 2 signatures, you take it to the lane county court house, if you stand and look at the big main entrance, you walk down the left side of the building and there's a door to the CHL office, go in (no weapons allowed) and give them the app., fill out more paperwork, pay them, have photo taken, go home and wait about 8 weeks. When the license comes, you need to sign the back with a permanent marker. Done.
When I did it, it was smooth, when my mother did it she got a bitch in the office that gave her trouble over some small discrepancys on the app.
Good luck.