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Page Hometown » Ohio
Posted: 11/25/2014 7:25:51 PM EDT
i am in full support of those who want to exercise their first advent rights, HOWEVER, if you are blocking my way (they are blocking highways) then I should have the right to hit you with my car...

Protest peacefully, protest smart. Impeding others when they are trying to go wherever they need to go is ridiculous.


Link Posted: 11/25/2014 7:30:38 PM EDT
Good thing I refreshed before starting a dupe thread...

I stopped in to post the following:

Tens of people block highway in Cleveland to protest the grand-jury decision in Ferguson, and Tamir Rice shooting.

Link Posted: 11/25/2014 7:57:00 PM EDT
Hey moron:  Your sign is upside down...

With all of the money that your parents spend on tuition is is too much to ask for a little attention to detail when the news cameras are in front of you?  Way to go...

Link Posted: 11/25/2014 8:01:43 PM EDT
I would have kept driving
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 8:07:06 PM EDT
well, it's happened:

Car Plows Thru "Ferguson" Demonstartors in Minneapolis

reader's comment:
Ahahah. Good. Maybe don't step in front of a motor vehicle in an attempt to stop it from legal passage through an intersection. Maybe don't protest the fact that a violent thug died because of self-defense. Maybe don't surround the vehicle AGAIN and get in front of it after it's already hit someone. These protesters are not smart people.
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Link Posted: 11/25/2014 8:32:28 PM EDT
Well, remembering the Rodney King riots in CA and what happened to Reginald Denny, I would definitely say the motorist has a very good defense for their actions.
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 12:16:43 AM EDT
Hey moron:  Your sign is upside down...


With all of the money that your parents spend on tuition is is too much to ask for a little attention to detail when the news cameras are in front of you?  Way to go...  
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Word is that a lot of the protesters (what little there were) drove in from Oberlin.  Go figure.
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 2:23:56 AM EDT
While I agree,  I drive a nice nice vehicle that I work hard to pay for. Damage to said vehicle when I hit mental midget scumbags will have to be paid through my insurance,  not worth it!  On the other hand if I was driving my beater truck.... hammer down bitches
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 8:01:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 8:44:06 AM EDT
Any good sites for free Christmas shopping? Gotta find my black hoodie first...
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...yeah, YEAH, mang! find it? hell--FIND IT, FIX IT and STEAL IT. Nuffin happen to yo. rule of law be dead. and after I gets me my hoodie, I be snackin' on some Skittles, cough syrup and Arizona iced tea...

(Y'all just remember all this bs come 15 April, when WE all gotta write a check to Uncle Sugar to pay for THEIR lazy asses...)

former English teacher, rant out...
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 9:28:17 AM EDT
While watching channel 19 news (if you can call it that) covering the protest on Rt. 2, I witnessed an individual wearing a jacket with 'F@&# th police' printed on the front and back. Twenty miniutes later, a blond dips#!t reporter is interviewing this (self titled) angry black man !  C'mon man!  I couldnt believe my eyes. I called the station and gave them a good bitchin out.  Good one channel 19.
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 10:05:16 AM EDT
Remember the riots when OJ was acquitted of killing two white people!!!!

oh yea...that didn't happen...

Well remember the riots in Canton when the spook was shooting at the other spook, missed (Glock forgot to put sights on the side of his gun)  but killed the 26 year old girl delivering mail!!! (probably government checks) Wow, those where some riots.

oh yea...that didn't happen...

What about the time....
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 6:48:40 PM EDT
Got to flip off about 60 protesters at copley hawkins akron on my way home. Holiday is off to a good start.

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Page Hometown » Ohio
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