It's technically not illegal to carry your gun when you want if you have a permit, there is no crime committed, but the scumbag who issued it can revoke it for carrying outside what they issued it for, it's a very gray area
We had a huge thread on this a week or so ago...but here goes...
Even though you were issued a "restricted" license, it isn't really restricted.
Any judge that "restricts" a permit is not actually following NYS Penal law Article 400 as it pertains to issuing types of pistol licenses. Nowhere does it grant the judge the power to "restrict" a pistol license to "hunting / target" only.
He can either issue you a full carry permit, or a premise only permit. Premise only doesn't even allow you to take it to a range or hunting...it's ONLY good for that address...
Which is why every judge actually issues a FULL carry permit, otherwise known as a "carry without regards to employment" license...but some judges think they can make up their own types of pistol licenses...so some make up the bullshit "target/hunting/sportsmen" licenses by simply stamping arbitrary words onto your permit. It's judicial activism, and a clear cut case of illegally "legislating from the bench."
So if you carry everywhere with a "target/hunting" license, it's not against any criminal penal law...but as always, a judge can revoke your permit if you are caught, or for ANY reason he sees fit, for that matter.
Yes, bullshit (and totally incorrect) case law/court decisions have upheld that county judges DO have the power to restrict carry permits, but they also upheld that the restrictions were administrative only, and not actually against any laws...so you couldn't be arrested for carrying against restrictions.
This should all change soon with the Westchester County court case.
But to answer your question, yes, I could carry anywhere in Long Island, and if for some reason a cop "found out" I was carrying, he couldn't do shit.