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Posted: 10/9/2005 5:19:21 PM EDT
Just talked to axl....I didn't know if he could get cell ph. service on the elk river so I tried anyway. Turns out he and Ken were right in the middle of eating fresh caught rainbow trout cooked over the camp fire. Axl said Ken caught several Rainbow trout earlier in the day........Then he went on to say that after Dinner, they are breaking out the Jack Daniels!!!!!!!.......GGGGGGRRRRRR......I should be with them, not here on this frikkin computer......
Anyway, sounds like they are having a great time........
Just wanted to give an update

Link Posted: 10/10/2005 6:55:43 AM EDT
I really wished I could have been there on that trip.  I AM gonna make one of the trips.
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 2:12:44 PM EDT
Just got in, still have a lot to unpack, had a great time. Got a few stories to tell later. Saw nineteen deer at sunset where we were camping, tried to sneak up in a dozen or so wild turkeys to take photos of on an island, I won't leave my gun in the canoe again.

Link Posted: 10/11/2005 5:48:18 PM EDT
Sounds like ya'll had a great time. Was it just you and Ken???....I'll be expecting pictures....

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