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Posted: 1/22/2013 6:20:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2013 6:22:53 AM EDT
You can't register shit right now.
Link Posted: 1/22/2013 6:52:53 AM EDT
You should delete this question asap and re-post it after the amendment period has expired.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 1/22/2013 7:22:23 AM EDT

There have to be thousands of owners of these guns that want their sons to own and enjoy after their deaths?

What can we/you do?

1. Not register...and if you shoot a lot in New York always be looking over your back....not fun if your with your kids.. Not recommended..

2. Register gun under your name and upon your death family moves it out of state

3. Register it under son's name and family can move it out of state upon his death...gives the firearm another generation of legal use in this  State.

4. Some one mention you register in trust for your son/daughter..we as ARFCOM members should look more into this. They use it all the time with NFA weapons.

These weapons are on a average worth 20,000.00 thousand dollars and they want to keep it value in the family. We as firearm owners want the same.

5. Move the guns out of state now...and never bring them back to New York. Many of us here own second homes out of state.
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