You can try to argue about whether extra copies and a SASE are "required," but when you're dealing with circuit court clerks, you're wasting your breath. They are elected officials and don't answer to anybody about how they run things. .
I completely disagree. They are elected officials and are accountable to EVERYONE! The taxpayers and citizens are their bosses and they only get their authority to do the job by the election to the office
by the people.
The alternative to the SASE is likely their telling you "then come and pick it up in person," which is how many of them do it anyway. They're actually doing you a favor by mailing it to you - the Code doesn't require them to do that, let alone pay for it..
The Code also doesn't allow for them to ask for one penny above $50. Not $50.01, Not $50.00 and stamp. It also doesn't allow for them to ask for 3 copies of didlysquat. The Code says "A copy", not 3 copies, not multiple copies, not as many copies as the Clerk thinks that they'll need since they are too lazy to walk their asses down the hall to the copier. Also, in the case of a temporary permit, the Code requires them to "send the permit", which obvioulsy implies mailing it.
Give them an inch.....