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Page Hometown » Ohio
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Posted: 1/27/2011 10:11:13 AM EDT
I travel a lot for work.  I have noticed that the last 5-6 hotels I have stayed in have "no weapons" signs on all the entrances.

What is the deal with this?  Especially with the hotels that do NOT have a restaurant/bar that serve alcohol...Is it just the owners/company's polices?
Link Posted: 1/27/2011 2:53:33 PM EDT
Hotels where? IIRC any state that has a castle law cannot ban firearms from being kept on you (CCW or in your luggage etc.) while in progress of entering, exiting and also cannot ban them from your room as it's your castle for the time being. I could be mistaken...
Link Posted: 1/27/2011 3:04:53 PM EDT
if the hotel is posted it's probably the decision of the owners, ...although sometimes, they are "misinformed" about whether or not they have to post...    otherwise, you're GTG, as far as carrying to/fro and into your room, just stay out of the bar/restaurant area if alcohol is served..
Link Posted: 1/27/2011 4:46:47 PM EDT
I've seen this myself in the Toledo area. And have just choose to move on and not spend my $$$ with them. As I do with anyone that post such sign's.
Link Posted: 1/28/2011 5:43:25 AM EDT
Hotels where? IIRC any state that has a castle law cannot ban firearms from being kept on you (CCW or in your luggage etc.) while in progress of entering, exiting and also cannot ban them from your room as it's your castle for the time being. I could be mistaken...

THIS would be very interesting if true. Does anybody know for sure? Not just speculation.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 4:35:13 PM EDT
Please post what hotels and where these are so I can drag their name through the mud and NEVER give them my business.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 9:54:45 PM EDT
I know it's true of government assisted living etc. There was a story about it a couple years back. (Cleveland area maybe?)

Just did some quick research...
Ohio revised code for the Castle law, It states... Sec. 2307.60. (b) "Residence" has the same meaning as in section 2901.05 of the Revised Code. And again Sec. 2307.601. (A) As used in this section: (1) "Residence" and "vehicle" have the same meanings as in section 2901.05 of the Revised Code.

2901.05 (3) “Residence” means a dwelling in which a person resides either temporarily or permanently or is visiting as a guest.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 10:22:43 AM EDT
I've seen this myself in the Toledo area. And have just choose to move on and not spend my $$$ with them. As I do with anyone that post such sign's.

yep, i was just in toledo, stayed at the baymont, they had signs at every entrance...

it does say "unless otherwise permitted by law"...im no lawyer but in my mind my CCW would make me "permitted" by law?

i am the same way, i dont spend money at places that have no carry signs.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 1:33:08 PM EDT
I've seen this myself in the Toledo area. And have just choose to move on and not spend my $$$ with them. As I do with anyone that post such sign's.

yep, i was just in toledo, stayed at the baymont, they had signs at every entrance...

it does say "unless otherwise permitted by law"...im no lawyer but in my mind my CCW would make me "permitted" by law?

i am the same way, i dont spend money at places that have no carry signs.

I've seen that same sign. I'm tagging this to see what kind of answers we get.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:37:18 PM EDT
I would refer to my previous comment as an answer to that...
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 3:46:31 AM EDT
as a chl holder you ARE NOT permitted by law to carry a firearm on private property where it is posted to not do so. To my knowledge the only people allowed to do so are police and federal agents.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 4:33:18 PM EDT
as a chl holder you ARE NOT permitted by law to carry a firearm on private property where it is posted to not do so. To my knowledge the only people allowed to do so are police and federal agents.

ok i got you.  i think it boils down to the reason the signs are up is not anything to do with a "no carry in hotel" law, its just the owners of the hotel that are anti-gun.  so basically i just wont be giving them my business ever again.
Link Posted: 2/2/2011 1:38:39 PM EDT
Doesn't matter if they are posted or not, At least in Ohio. No you still cannot carry in in the bar portion if it has one, And I may be wrong about carry in the lobby as well as to and from your room. But Concealed means concealed. And they have no legal right at all as for if you have a weapon in your room or not according to Ohio law.
Page Hometown » Ohio
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