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Posted: 1/26/2009 11:42:14 AM EDT
Locked and trashed?

I can't find it.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 11:59:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 1:40:25 PM EDT
I assumed it was trashed, was in my subscriptions in one open window, wasn't in another.

iirc there was a message when the original pics were removed that is was generating (negative) interest elsewhere on the web. I thought tattoo took it down but now the plot thickens. Are you able to see if anyone was given a timeout in regards to that thread?

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 2:55:36 PM EDT
iirc there was a message when the original pics were removed that is was generating (negative) interest elsewhere on the web.

Yes, I reposted the pictures bradb put up at the silencer-forum-that-shall-not-be-named, and reaction was (expectingly) negative, both for the engraving itself, and for Green0 delivering a product to buyers that was not advertised as such when orders were taken.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:05:13 PM EDT
Political Hot Potato
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:06:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:29:48 PM EDT
iirc there was a message when the original pics were removed that is was generating (negative) interest elsewhere on the web.

Yes, I reposted the pictures bradb put up at the silencer-forum-that-shall-not-be-named, and reaction was (expectingly) negative, both for the engraving itself, and for Green0 delivering a product to buyers that was not advertised as such when orders were taken.

Good job dragging the crap elsewhere instead of letting it get handled here

That was almost as big a dick move as the original issue
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 6:08:18 PM EDT

Good job dragging the crap elsewhere instead of letting it get handled here

That was almost as big a dick move as the original issue

I fail to see how spreading information and being racist/delivering a product customers did not order are anywhere in the same league.

I don't see how it was to be "handled," either...the engraving was already done, and done on all of them, and that was that.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 6:51:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 7:56:26 PM EDT

Good job dragging the crap elsewhere instead of letting it get handled here

That was almost as big a dick move as the original issue

I fail to see how spreading information and being racist/delivering a product customers did not order are anywhere in the same league.

I don't see how it was to be "handled," either...the engraving was already done, and done on all of them, and that was that.

And the owner has not had any chance to chime in.... You did not even give him a CHANCE to handle it....

Mistakes happen, If he makes it right , No blood no foul... But instead of seeing what happens, you go and throw the shit all over the internet. Good job.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:16:35 PM EDT

And the owner has not had any chance to chime in.... You did not even give him a CHANCE to handle it....

Wrong . . . GreenO chimed in on my thread in the suppressor forum.

It was locked but not trashed by 82nd.

He said it was funny . . .  a joke  . . . ya know . . . .


Here is GreenO's response:

It was a joke. People need to chill out and realize opinions are often based on experiences. Arabs was a term I was using to refer to terrorists.

People who throw rocks at soldiers, shoot at soldiers for sport, bomb soldiers and civilians for fun, and Id even throw into that category the middle eastern people who see an ACU backpack at a university and issue a hate stare. If you live here you should appreciate the armed forces who keep us safe at home.

The arab terrorists to me are not a group of ambiguous people who destroyed a building I never visited. I lived in a room with a small group of people for 18 months at one point. One of them was a 19 year old kid who's major ambition was to get home alive to go deer hunting with his cousin and best friend. Instead he got cored out by an EFP on the side of the road in bagdhad's spaghetti junction, as we Americans call it. I really don't think he ever injured or killed any Iraqis. I doubt he ever treated them with dissrespect.

If you don't appreciate the joke, I appologize. I realize that my joke may be taken out of context. Im sorry Im not quite as sheltered as I was before life's experiences took me to where I am today, training for a second trip with another big group of good guys I want to see come home safe, but understand probably will not on account of the actions of some ununiformed arab terrorist.

Basically, I hate to see GreenO's project get derailed due to his misinterpretation of what a joke is.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:38:44 PM EDT

Good job dragging the crap elsewhere instead of letting it get handled here

That was almost as big a dick move as the original issue

I fail to see how spreading information and being racist/delivering a product customers did not order are anywhere in the same league.

I don't see how it was to be "handled," either...the engraving was already done, and done on all of them, and that was that.

So did you even ask if he could remedy the situation before you crapped all over it or what? More to the point, did you order one, if so you have a legitimate gripe. Otherwise, go piss on someone else's parade.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:03:34 PM EDT

Good job dragging the crap elsewhere instead of letting it get handled here

That was almost as big a dick move as the original issue

I fail to see how spreading information and being racist/delivering a product customers did not order are anywhere in the same league.

I don't see how it was to be "handled," either...the engraving was already done, and done on all of them, and that was that.

did you even order one?
if not, this is none of your business.
this issue is between those who do not want the engraving on their suppressor, and Green0

SC-Texas, are you even a buyer on this batch of suppressors? you took it upon yourself to post a whole new thread in the suppressor forum because the engraving offended your delicate senses? come on, this is not your fight, so let it be.
i fail to see why some users on here get so interested in issues that do not concern them. it seems that those who are not even wisconsin residents are showing a unusual amount of interest in this, despite their non involvement.
as far as Green0's sense of humor, from the posts i have read of his, he has lost friends who fought along side him, all the while half of America does not support their mission, and the current CIC will not keep he course and finish the job. was the verbiage he used appropriate for the PC nazis? not really.
i am not going to try and reason why the engravings were done, but come on, 'front towards arabs' may be a tad overboard, but its nowhere near like saying death to ni*gers or whatever such nonsense others were posting.

why not let the buyers and sellers address this issue instead of posting it in sub forums before the seller has a chance to get back from his military duties(out of town training) and address the issue.

edited to add:
my offer still stands. anyone who does not want their suppressor is unhappy with it, i will be more than happy to pay you the money you have in it as we are getting a top notch unit for a bargain price. the little engraving on the front can be removed with very little effort, i do not understand why this is even causing the drama that it is.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:46:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 1:50:06 AM EDT


guys this post is now temp locked until reviewed by staff. I wont trash it but the comments need to stop for a bit. will be unlocked/edited and or trashed after review



It is?

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 4:07:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 4:22:45 AM EDT




guys this post is now temp locked until reviewed by staff. I wont trash it but the comments need to stop for a bit. will be unlocked/edited and or trashed after review



It is?



i know i hit the lock button

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 4:56:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 4:56:51 AM EDT
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