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Posted: 12/27/2006 5:27:04 PM EDT
Do M44s ever go on sale at Big 5?  

All I have seen there on sale are the M91/30s and M38s.

If so, for how much?  Any idea when the next one is going to be?

Are the rifles at Big 5 just as good the rifles from other sources?

How should I go about inspecting one of these surplus rifles?
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 7:28:41 PM EDT
They go on sale all the time, usually for $79 IIRC.

I haven't seen them myself, but I've heard happy stories about Big5 M44's. You'd probably want to check the condition of the bore first. Then if you care, the condition of the stocks. I'm sure more C&R enthusiasts can chime in...
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 8:31:19 PM EDT
I've actually bought like 4 of them.  3 of them had a good finish while 1 looked like it had just been through a war.  If you can, just check it out first before buying.  They're great (and cheap) to shoot.
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 10:01:40 PM EDT
I own some already and believe it or not, I just got back from Big5 and started another 11 day wait on another m44.  I found one in the best condition I've ever seen there, so I had to buy it.  It seems to be brand spankin new....   m44's are teh shizzle
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 10:29:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 10:54:19 PM EDT
I see that the M38s are on sale right now.

Is the M38 any more "accurate'' than the M44 without the bayonet hanging off the barrel?

How much lighter is the M38 compared to the M44?

Can the bayonet be an obstacle/safety hazard to a left-handed shooter?
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 11:04:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 11:12:02 PM EDT


I see that the M38s are on sale right now.

Is the M38 any more "accurate'' than the M44 without the bayonet hanging off the barrel?

How much lighter is the M38 compared to the M44?

Can the bayonet be an obstacle/safety hazard to a left-handed shooter?

I was looking at the ad... didnt see the M38's on sale... wonder if it is location specific ads

Are you looking at the most recent one?  It was the last ad that said they were for sale, and the manager at my local Big 5 said the sale was to last for this entire month.
Link Posted: 12/28/2006 8:45:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2006 9:25:49 AM EDT
For some reason, the m44 is not always listed in their ad when it is on sale.  The best thing to do is call them and find out how much it is currently going for.  Right now, it is on sale at all the big5's in and around San Jose.

Link Posted: 12/28/2006 7:51:08 PM EDT
Just stopped by to try and pick up an M38 at the local Big 5.  SOLD!

It was a really nice one, too.  They said there would be more next week, although I don't think any of them will be as good as the one I saw.

Even though the sale ends in a few days, they would still sell me the rifle at the sale price.  How neat is that?
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 11:23:19 AM EDT
The 38's I've seen are excellent condition arsenal refinished.  Make sure the bore is nice.  There's a lot of corrosive 7.62x54R floating around.  Also have the manager check the back.  Sometimes there's more than one in stock.  

I think the Big 5 rifles are the best deals in C&R's.  You can actually inspect the rifle instead of it just showing-up to your door in condition unknown.

Even if the rifle isn't on sale, ask the manager if they'll give you the sale price.  Why come back in two weeks to get the refund?

With a Big 5 on every corner, your bound to find a rifle you like.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 1:49:25 AM EDT
Maybe its just me, but Id rather buy an M44 that has matching numbers and less than 5lbs of cosmoline... and that is damn rare at any big5.

I got my near mint Mosin (NOT from big5) with all matching #s and a 440 round can of 762x54r for about 130$ a while back.  What do they sell for down there?

Oh, and being left handed is *not* an issue with the M44's bayo. As far as accuracy between the long gun and the carbine, stick with the carbine man.
Really no noticeable difference in accuracy especially with surplus commie ammo (that shoots FIRE about 2ft at night).
Also I've never seen a difference in accuracy between having the bayo folder or extended.

Get a barrel light, look for pits inside the barrel.  Pull the bolt back then pull the trigger and pull the bolt out.  Inspect for reddish coloring or rust on the bolt, inside the chamber, everywhere...

One of mine

OH!  And treat ALL 762x54r as corrosive.  Even if you shoot only 1 round, CLEAN THAT BARREL.  Use Windex to neutralize the salts.  Bore snake it a couple times with Windex then clean it as usual.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 10:45:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 12:30:11 PM EDT
That is one nice M44 Rune

is that a Mary's Pistols special?
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 11:44:40 PM EDT

That is one nice M44 Rune

is that a Mary's Pistols special?

Sure is

Ya need to make a pilgrimage to Mary's when you are up north.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 12:03:10 AM EDT
first stop from the airport

i need to plan soon to make it in time for the LCR...
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