Maybe its just me, but Id rather buy an M44 that has matching numbers and less than 5lbs of cosmoline... and that is damn rare at any big5.
I got my near mint Mosin (NOT from big5) with all matching #s and a 440 round can of 762x54r for about 130$ a while back. What do they sell for down there?
Oh, and being left handed is *not* an issue with the M44's bayo. As far as accuracy between the long gun and the carbine, stick with the carbine man.
Really no noticeable difference in accuracy especially with surplus commie ammo (that shoots FIRE about 2ft at night).
Also I've never seen a difference in accuracy between having the bayo folder or extended.
Get a barrel light, look for pits inside the barrel. Pull the bolt back then pull the trigger and pull the bolt out. Inspect for reddish coloring or rust on the bolt, inside the chamber, everywhere...One of mineOH! And treat ALL 762x54r as corrosive. Even if you shoot only 1 round, CLEAN THAT BARREL. Use Windex to neutralize the salts. Bore snake it a couple times with Windex then clean it as usual.