Sorry for the "snafoo" with posting 3 times.
Yes the 1968 Gun Control Act got most of it's language from Uncle Adolph's Nazi gun law. Yes again we are to suffer for criminal activity. It has never been about crime control, It is all about SHEEPLE control. If you are serious about your gun rights, leave NJ. In this state, votes are bought. Unions, welfare, lawyers Etc: various groups with agendas all contibute to the Dumicratic party. Wake up out there, NJ is lost. I arrested several criminals with so-called assault weapons charges, and did not even go to grand jury. These charges are used as plea bargain tools. But the poor law-abiding schmuck that was arrested because his wife did not take her Prozac, I did go to grand jury on for his guns that were made illegal by the NJ legislature. You guys/gals have an option, you can leave. I will loose my job if I move. Too many years invested to just up and leave.